Our innovative materials are developed to meet a wide variety of technological challenges in mobility, making (electric) vehicles safer, lighter and more sustainable. Browse these pages to learn more about how our industry experts, scientists and engineers work hand in hand with our customers to develop next generation solutions.
The future of mobility is rapidly changing. The era of internal combustion engines as a single power source is ending, indicating a transformation that makes vehicles cleaner. To realize this transformation, automotive OEMs need advanced materials that make electric vehicles safer, lighter and more sustainable.
Our portfolio of tough yet lightweight materials are driving manufacturers to produce automotive components that are extremely light, reduce friction and operate in extreme environments – particularly at very high temperatures - with drastically smaller carbon footprints.
Discover how our advanced materials and innovative designs enhance vehicle safety, reduce weight, and promote sustainability. Click on one of the tabs to browse through applications - each application connects you to in-depth resources, empowering you with valuable insights, solutions and data. . Gain access to detailed technical resources, actionable insights, and comprehensive data to support your engineering projects and decision-making processes.
储氢对于汽车车辆的氢气动力总成至关重要,因为氢气的质量密度能源高,但体积密度能源低。为了解决这个问题,在汽车应用中,氢气通常储存在 350 或 700 bar 的高压罐中。这些储罐设计重量轻,安全性高,聚合物基材料取代金属以减轻重量,先进的材料和设计确保高压下的安全性。
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