



  • Mitigate ventilator-acquired pneumonia with safer ventilator tubing

    Mitigate ventilator-acquired pneumonia with safer ventilator tubing

    Ventilator tubing is a bacterial breeding ground, increasing the risk of ventilator acquired pneumonia (VAP). Many patients on ventilators in ICUs suffer from this. Most current breathing circuits are made from non-breathable materials. Thankfully, there is a material that enables permeation of moisture directly out through tubing walls. Envalior’s Arnitel® offers a superior engineering material solution with ultra-high moisture vapor transmission rates.

  • Material innovation for next-gen ADAS

    Material innovation for next-gen ADAS

    As radars become more compact in all three dimensions while operating at higher power, thermal management and EMI shielding solutions based on engineering materials solutions become more essential. Envalior offers a complete laser weldable material portfolio for radomes and back covers, ranging from pbt to low dk/df pps up to highly conductive pps compounds. While Envalior continues Xytron innovation, we also leverage the proven properties of Arnite PBT in radar applications.

  • Giving new life to ghost fishing nets

    Giving new life to ghost fishing nets

    Every year, approximately 640,000 tons of ghost fishing nets are left in the oceans, hundreds of thousands of marine animals lose their lives and coral reefs are damaged due to this type of ocean pollution. Envalior’s strategy includes developing innovative solutions that contribute to a circular economy and aligns with the UN sustainable development goals addressing climate change, resource scarcity, waste and pollution.to produce Akulon® RePurposed, Envalior uses discarded fishing nets as the source.

  • Enabling more robust and safer catheters

    Enabling more robust and safer catheters

    High-performance cardiovascular catheters are needed to perform diagnostic testing and treat complex medical conditions. Many material solutions have reliability issues prompting more medical equipment suppliers to leverage thermoplastic elastomers (TPE). Yet, this material often leads to variations in extrusion behavior and problems during secondary assembly processes. Envalior's Arnitel® Care is ideal for producing safe and reliable catheters that are optimized for high-stress clinical environments.

  • Preventing electro corrosion failures to ensure safety

    Preventing electro corrosion failures to ensure safety

    The failure of a key system, such as a backup camera, could create potentially fatal situations due to 100% preventable electro corrosion. By limiting halides (<50–100 ppm) in connectors, sensors, ecus and pcus, electro corrosion can be avoided. Envalior offers a full portfolio of best-in-class electro friendly materials that are halide free.


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