

Schauen Sie sich die Auswahl an Anwendungen in Haushaltsutensilien an, in denen unsere technischen Kunststoffe verwendet werden.

Hochleistungs-Kunststoffe in Haushaltsutensilien

Die Verbraucher von heute stellen höhere Ansprüche an die Produkte, die sie kaufen – für den Innen- und Außenbereich. Sie wollen Waren, die gut funktionieren, gut aussehen, länger halten und so wenig Energien wie möglich verbrauchen – sowohl in ihrem Produkt als auch im täglichen Gebrauch.

Unser Portfolio an technischen Kunststoffen wird mit dem Wissen entwickelt, dass Technologie und Innovation Hand in Hand gehen. Sie werden für eine breite Palette von Haushaltsutensilien verwendet.

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Beispiele dafür, wie unsere Performance Materials in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen für den Haushalt eingesetzt werden.

Ausgewählte Anwendungen für Kunden

Spatulas and Kitchenware

Consumer goods | Household utensils

EcoPaXX® Polyamide-410 (PA410) offers not only food contact safety and sustainability but also aesthetics. Food approvals are in place and also the stringent requirements on NIAS and cyclic oligomeric content are met. Our EcoPaXX® is 70% biobased and fulfills nowadays needs to be careful with our planet. The other 30% of the polymer can also be more sustainable as we can offer this with a ISCC certificate showing a more sustainable feedstock is used via a mass balancing approach. Great material to process with a good surface appearance. Orthex-Gastromax chose EcoPaXX® Q-KG6-FC as it fits perfectly with their sustainability agenda and is now used in one of their biobased kitchen utensils product lines. A great establishment realized in cooperation with our distributor Nexeo Plastics.


Consumer goods | Household utensils

Akulon® PA6 is a reliable solution for corkscrews compared to metals as no corrosion protection coating is needed with PA6. Akulon UltraFlow PA6 yields a better surface appearance than PA66 (even at 50% to 60% GF).

Garlic press

Consumer goods | Household utensils

Glass-reinforced ;Lower mold pressure ;Lower energy consumption ;Shorter cooling time ;Enables thinner wall designs

Soft touch in spatulas and kitchenware

Consumer goods | Household utensils

Arnitel® TPC is a reliable solution for spatulas and kitchenware because of its excellent adhesion with PBT in 2K injection molding, its superb scratch-resistance (which make kitchen tools look better even after years of intensive usage), its chemical-resistance (dishwasher-proof) and its approvals for direct food contact.

Grill Handles

Consumer goods | Household utensils

Akulon® PA6 is a reliable solution for grill handles compared to metals as no corrosion protection coating is needed with PA6. Akulon UltraFlow PA6 yields a better surface appearance than PA66 (even at 50% to 60% GF). Akulon L types of PA6 yield good UV-resistance. Akulon UltraFlow PA6 enables thin-walled designs.

Spatulas and Kitchenware

Consumer goods | Household utensils

Stanyl® PA46 and Akulon® PA66 are reliable solutions for spatulas and other kitchenware. Stanyl PA46 offers much higher melting temperature and HDT than PA66, and both materials have significantly higher melting temperature resistance than PP and PA6. Also, Stanyl TE200F6-FC and EcoPaXX® Q-KG6-FC are food-approved.

Hair Curler Brushes

Consumer goods | Appliances

Stanyl® PA46 is a reliable solution for hair curler brushes due to much higher HDT levels than PA66. It allows for cost-effective solutions due to its good processability (much easier to process than PPS) and its high flowability. Because Stanyl retains its mechanical properties at high temperatures up to 220°C (428°F), this makes it ideal for extremely high-performance applications, where it outperforms PPA, PA6T, PA9T, and often PPS and LCP. Stanyl TE250F6 is UL94 V0-certified.

Kitchen appliance gears, dishwasher proof

Consumer goods | Appliances

Heat-stabilized ;Superior heat resistance, design stiffness, wear and friction, and process flow qualities ;Ideal for extremely high-performance applications ;Outperforms PPA, PA6T, PA9T, and often PPS and LCP

Small domestic appliance gears

Consumer goods | Appliances

Heat-stabilized ;Proven at high loads for more than 20 hours of ice chopping in durability tests for mixers and blenders ;Excellent wear and friction properties ;Outstanding creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance

Ironing Components

Consumer goods | Appliances

Stiffness and fatigue resistance at high temperatures; Creep-resistant; Strength; Cycle-time advantages; Excellent flow

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