


Wir bieten Ihnen eine einzigartige Kombination aus Materialien, Design, Anwendungsentwicklung und allgemeiner technischer Unterstützung, von Produktionsbeginn bis zur Industrialisierungsphase über das gesamte Spektrum der Energieverteilung (PD) Anwendungen. Unsere Lösungen sind bewährt und basieren auf den Nuancen und regulatorischen Anforderungen der vielen lokalen Märkte, die wir auf der ganzen Welt bedienen (von UL/NEMA bis IEC/EN).

Wir sind in jedem wichtigen Markt, den wir bedienen, vollständig rückwärtsintegriert – was für unsere Kunden eine bessere Markteinführungszeit bei optimalen Kosten und Effizienz bedeutet. Damit einher geht ein umfassendes Dienstleistung Angebot: Von Material Auswahl und Designspezifikation über Rheologisch, Mechanisch und Thermisch CAE bis hin zum Gebäude und Testen der Werkzeuge bis hin zum umfangreichen After-Sales-Support.

Also, was können wir heute für Sie tun?

Vorgestellte Anwendungen


Electrical | Power distribution

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings. Also Lasermarkable grades are available. ForTii® has a Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT) of 305°C .

Residual Current device

Electrical | Power distribution | Low Voltage Switchgear

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings.

Industrial Control Gear

Electrical | Power distribution

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings. ForTii® Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT) of 305°C .

MCCB Housings

Electrical | Power distribution | Low Voltage Switchgear

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings. ForTii® Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT) of 305°C .

Medium Voltage Circuit Breaker Isolators

Electrical | Power distribution | Medium / High Voltage Switchgear

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings. ForTii® has a Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT) of 305°C .

Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers

Electrical | Power distribution | Medium / High Voltage Switchgear

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings. ForTii® has a Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT) of 305°C .

Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers Embedded Pole

Electrical | Power distribution | Medium / High Voltage Switchgear

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings. ForTii® Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT) of 305°C .

Molded case circuit breakers

Electrical | Power distribution | Low Voltage Switchgear

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings.

Motor Starter/Overload Relays

Electrical | Power distribution

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings. Also Lasermarkable grades are available. ForTii® has a Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT) of 305°C .

Residual Current Breaker with Overload

Electrical | Power distribution | Low Voltage Switchgear

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings.

Wall plates

Electrical | Power distribution

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy, and in specific electro-grey colour for housings.

CEE connectors

Electrical | Power distribution | E-Components

Most grades are available with halogenfree flameretardancy.

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