
Envalior Invoicing Requirements

Envalior strives to receive all invoices through e-mail (PDF) only. This is part of our continued drive to make our Accounts Payable process more efficient and our operations more environmentally sustainable. Below you will find the instructions for PDF invoices as well as our invoice requirements. We kindly ask you to amend your invoicing process as soon as possible to avoid payment issues.

Requirements for a scanned electronic (PDF) invoice:

 is the email address to send your PDF invoices to. Please refer to the below overview of company codes and mention the company code in the subject line of the e-mail. One of our key initiatives is improving the quality and efficiency of supplier invoice processing. To achieve this goal, it is essential that you, our supplier, comply with Envalior invoice requirements. Meeting the below mentioned invoice requirements will enable us to provide payments to suppliers within the agreed terms of payment:

  • File format must be PDF or TIF only. No other format is accepted.
  • Subject of the email should be 70 characters max.
  • It is preferable not to have special characters in the email subject or as the attachment name.
  • One invoice/document per (PDF or TIF) file.
  • The documents should be sent in portrait format (not landscape).
  • Password protected documents are not accepted.
  • 10 files (attachments) in an email as maximum.
  • Maximum size of attachment: 7MB.
  • Maximum size of email: 25MB.


  • No data extraction restrictions on files.
  • Invoice is black & white.

Invoices must contain the following information:

  • Purchase Order (PO) number
  • Purchase Order (PO) line item
  • Shipment number if applicable
  • Envalior “Bill to” entity address
  • Envalior “Ship to” address
  • Supplier VAT number/ VAT ID
  • Envalior VAT number/ VAT ID (applicable for countries having VAT)
  • VAT amount and VAT rate
  • Total invoice amount
  • Invoice number and Invoice date
  • All pages of invoices
  • Delivery date, for transport invoices: shipment date
  • Invoice is in single currency and as per Purchase Order (PO)
  • The items part number (if applicable)
  • Item description (The description should clearly identify the corresponding item on the Purchase Order (PO)
  • Non PO invoices: contact name from ENVALIOR and cost center if known

For below details, Purchase Order (PO) information will be leading:

  • Invoice payment due date and/or payment terms
  • Incoterms 2020 (e.g. DDP) purchase terms
  • Payment terms must be the same as indicated on the Purchase Order (PO)
  • Quantity, price per unit and currency

For below details, information available in our Master Data will be considered. Please ensure for any changes you get your records updated in our master data via sourcing point of contact at Envalior:

  • The name of your contact person
  • Bank account details (IBAN) – Please keep in mind that we will only accept one bank account number per currency! Please provide the correct bank account via your procurement point of contact.
  • Supplier name and address, Supplier Remit‐To Address
  • Supplier e-mail address

Additional notes for Purchase Order (PO) invoices:

  • Each item on the invoice must match the items as described on the Purchase Order and must include the Purchase Order item number, the quantity being invoiced, an exact matching description of the Purchase Order item, and the individual item cost. For example, Item #2 on the Purchase Order should be invoiced as item #2 and described accordingly.
  • Multiple PO’s per invoice are not allowed, unless agreed upon.

How YOU can avoid delays in payments - There are several factors which can cause a delay in payment. Here are the things you can do to prevent this from happening:

  • Replace you hard copy invoices by PDF invoices.
  • Send PDF invoices to the correct bill‐to address; never send invoices directly to your contact person/requestor within Envalior.
  • Make sure you meet the invoice requirements as described above.
  • Always clearly state the PO number on your invoice (first page).
  • Be sure the invoice is issued with the same payment terms and Incoterms as the purchase order.
  • Be sure that the agreed payment terms are maintained accordingly in your Account Receivable application-system. This will avoid unnecessary dunning letters.
  • Be sure to include an email address and contact person we can contact if there are issues with the invoice.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Company Codes

 Company Code                          Company Name                                                              Country                        Comment                                                                                                                     
 2725 Envalior (Emmen) B.V. Netherlands 
 1070 Envalior Japan K.K. Japan 
 1045 Envalior SpecialtyComp NV Belgium 
 1040 Envalior B.V. Netherlands 
 1131 Envalior Eng. Mat Inc. USA 
 1073 Env. Singapore Pte. Ltd. Singapore 
 1080 Envalior EM (Jiangsu) China  invoice submission via ap.china@envalior.com
 1085 Envalior India Pvt Ltd India 
 2616 Envalior LPM (India) P LTD India 
 1569 Envalior NV Belgium 
 2576 Envalior GmbH Germany 
 2551 Envalior Deutschland GmbH Germany 
 2625 Envalior Italy S.r.l. Italy local vendors will send their invoices to the government - SDI ID: PR4AG6C
 2622 Envalior UK Ltd. UK 
 2624 Envalior Performance Materials LLC USA 
 2623 Envalior Holding Corp. USA