

Envalior works with the world’s leading manufacturers to improve the performance and sustainability of fuel systems for hydrogen and internal combustion vehicles. Akulon® Fuel Lock PA6 technology offers a superior alternative to traditional HDPE or metal tanks because of its strength, low permeation and easy processing. In addition, Envalior offers high-performance sustainable alternatives to traditional tank materials such as bio-based EcoPaXX® PA410.   

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Explore fuel system applications

Hydrogen pressure vessel

Automotive | Engine | Fuel System

70% lighter than conventional steel tanks ; Cost-effective solution due to excellent processability ;High impact resistance and high elongation down to -60°C (-76°F) ;Guaranteed to last for the lifetime of the product

Gasoline Tank in hybrid cars

Automotive | Engine

The gasoline tank for hybrid cars is used to store flammable liquids.

Fuel Line Connectors

Automotive | Engine | Fuel System

Flame retardant; Dimensional stability; Heat stabilized; Sustainable; High heat resistance; Reliable