

Sowing the seeds of success

Building and construction are often resource-heavy activities. Today, engineering plastics can replace conventional materials in a wide variety of applications – improving performance while reducing environmental impact.

Our broad portfolio of materials cover a broad range of applications, from building materials to industrial lifting and pulling gears, and from road marking to machinery parts. Our composite materials are used to manufacture the massive façade panels that front office buildings –withstanding wear from extreme temperatures and harsh weather to extend the life of the panels. Our bio-based engineering plastics improve efficiency in window insulating profiles, and create an excellent barrier for roofing membranes.

Let’s talk about how our materials can improve your building and construction applications.

browse agriculture applications

Non-pneumatic wheel


Application requirements Long service life & high performance High load bearing Cost efficient vs thermoset alternatives (Rubber and Urethanes) Material properties High load bearing capability, creep resistant Excellent fatigue resistant Tear & abarasion resistant High impact strength Consistent performance in all climate conditions High peak temperature resistance

Agricultural Films

Industrial equipment | Agriculture

Very high viscosity; Lubricated; Food contact quality

Conveyor Belts

Industrial equipment | Agriculture

Highly breathable; Bio-based alternative; High-temperature resistance; Excellent processing characteristics.

Tractor Engine Transmission Components

Industrial equipment | Agriculture

For high-temperature mechanics up to 220°C (428°F); Design stiffness; Enables thin-walled designs; 60% glass-reinforced
Contact us for more information

Direct and easy access to our broad portfolio of high-performance plastics: request a quote or order a sample.
You can also simply ask our Agriculture experts.

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