
Less is More – Why metal design is not always the optimal solution

As vehicle electrification accelerates, metal design is not always the optimal solution as it lowers complexity but increases curb weight. To maintain optimal driving experiences, there is a need to decrease the parts weight to compensate for increased battery weight.

To achieve lightweighting , you may extend your toolbox with engineering materials. Plastic solution eases logistics and transportation and allows less secondary operations (no milling/drilling, painting, corrosion protection) with lower energy consumption, less waste streams in production and less hazardous production steps. In the meantime it offers scalability for higher production numbers.

Collaborating with Envalior - your best solution partner in lightweighting

Designing in plastics is not straight forward; many influences determine the best suitable materials. Envalior has capabilities to support in every stage if the development process: Advanced part design and CAE calculations, material choice, cost assessment, mold lay-out and prototype/pre-series molding assistance.


  • Heat
  • Chemicals (oils, glycol, acids)
  • Humidity / Moisture
  • UV


  • Stiffness
  • Creep resistance
  • Strength
  • Impact
  • Fatigue
  • Tribology 

Design & Processing

  • Functional integration
  • Ribbing
  • Wall thickness
  • Flow length / Wedline
  • Shrinkage / Warpage
  • Tolerances
  • Surface quality
  • Gate location (design)


  • Thermal conductivity
  • Electrical insulative / conductive
  • Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) shielding
  • High CTI
  • Electro-friendly materials
  • Ecofriendly materials 

Explore Envalior grades for lightweighting

featured customer applications

EPS Steering Housings

Automotive | Steering | EPS

Arnite® A (PET) has a long standing track record in brake booster valve housings.

Crankshaft Covers

Automotive | Drivetrain | Transmission

Suitable for strict chemical or dimensional stability requirements; Cost effective; Heat resistant; Creep resistant; Oil resistant; Fatigue resistant; Lightweight

Suspension System Spring Seats

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Arnitel® TPC to be used for jounce bumper dust covers.

Pedals and Pedal Boxes

Automotive | Interior | Pedal System

Reliable; Heat resistant; Great surface appearance; Lightweight; Cost effective; High flowability enables thin wall designs

Engine mounts

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Akulon® Ultraflow 50%GF exhibits a very good fatigue resistance.

More applications

Front End Modules

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Injection moulding grades can be combined with advanced thermoplastic composites solutions or with metal inserts.

Oil Sumps and Pans

Automotive | Engine | Oil / Lubrification

Proven track record with OEMs; Cost effective; Heat resistant; Better welding strength than PA66; Flowability enables thin wall designs

Sunroof frame

Automotive | Exterior | Doors

Sunroof frames (low warpage and good flowability)

Sunroof actuators


Higher torque and durability performance than PPA and PA66;Allows more compact actuator design and also lower weight;Comparable performance to specialized materials without the need for expensive additives (e.g., carbon fiber or wear & friction optimizers) creates opportunities for cost savings
Contact us for more information

Direct and easy access to our broad portfolio of high-performance plastics: request a quote or order a sample.
You can also simply ask our Lightweighting experts.

Successful customer case study

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