
자동차 제품 Envalior

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Structural Parts with ForTii® Ace

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

ForTii® Ace is the game changer in metal replacement. With a Tg of 150-160°C, this material offers linear and stable strength and stiffness at elevated temperatures. Excellent chemical resistance versus coolants (water/glycol), road salt, acid, mineral oil, transmission oil, etc.

Boots and Bellows

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Reliable; Flexible; Sustainable; Cost effective; Heat resistant; Chemical resistant; Grease resistant; Lightweight

Engine mounts

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Akulon® Ultraflow 50%GF exhibits a very good fatigue resistance.

Front End Modules

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Injection moulding grades can be combined with advanced thermoplastic composites solutions or with metal inserts.

Structural Reinforcements

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Envalior Engineering Materials supported a lot with high-speed tensile property data.

Suspension System Spring Seats

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Arnitel® TPC to be used for jounce bumper dust covers.

Suspension System Top Mounts

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Envalior Engineering Materials supported a lot with high-speed tensile property data.

Top Mounts

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Akulon® Ultraflow 50%GF exhibits a very good fatigue resistance.

Torque Rods

Automotive | Body | Structural Parts

Akulon® Ultraflow 50%GF exhibits a very good fatigue resistance.

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