Automotive merken staan onder druk om te voldoen aan de emissievoorschriften voor voertuigen. Steeds meer OEM's maken gebruik van elektrische motor actuatoren die het brandstofverbruik verbeteren. Toch is het een uitdaging om materiaal oplossingen te vinden die ideaal zijn voor het produceren van dunne en betrouwbare actuatortandwielen.
OEM's hebben actuatoren nodig die zeer duurzaam en compact genoeg zijn om in de motor ruimte van het voertuig te passen. Voor leveranciers van motor actuatoren betekent dit dat ze onderdelen moeten ontwikkelen met behulp van materiaal oplossingen die voldoen aan de ontwerp- en prestatie-eisen van de klant. Een belangrijke uitdaging om aan deze behoeften te voldoen, is het vinden van een materiaal die geschikt is voor het produceren van kleine tandwielen die passen in compacte actuatorontwerpen en goed werken in omstandigheden met een hoge temperatuur onder de motorkap. Envalior's Stanyl PA46 is een best-in-class polyamide ideaal voor de meest veeleisende actuatorvereisten.
Polyftalamiden (PPA) en PA66 die traditioneel worden gebruikt om tandwielen te vervaardigen, zijn vaak niet duurzaam genoeg voor compacte actuatortandwielen. Hoewel extra ontwerpinspanningen de materiaal kunnen versterken, zijn deze processen duur en resulteren ze in omvangrijke tandwielen.
Stanyl® PA46, een industrie toonaangevende alifatische polyamide met een hoog temperatuur, wordt al meer dan 20 jaar gebruikt in de automotive industrie en biedt:
Stanyl® TW278F10 is a friction-modified high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW278F10 has an excellent track-record in gear applications.
Stanyl® TW278F10 is a friction-modified high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW278F10 has an excellent track-record in gear applications.
Stanyl® TW278F10 is a friction-modified high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW278F10 has an excellent track-record in gear applications.
Stanyl® TW241F6 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow.
Stanyl® TW241F6 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow.
Stanyl® TW241F6 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow.
Stanyl® TW271F6 is a friction-modified high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW271F6 has an excellent track-record in gear applications.
Stanyl® TW271F6 is a friction-modified high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW271F6 has an excellent track-record in gear applications.
Stanyl® TW271F6 is a friction-modified high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW271F6 has an excellent track-record in gear applications.
Stanyl® TW241F10 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW241F10 has an excellent track-record in gear applications and structural parts
Stanyl® TW241F10 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW241F10 has an excellent track-record in gear applications and structural parts
Stanyl® TW241F10 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW241F10 has an excellent track-record in gear applications and structural parts
Stanyl® TW241F12 is a high heat polyamide with superior flow that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages. TW241F12 has an excellent track-record in structural parts and gear applications
Stanyl® TW241F12 is a high heat polyamide with superior flow that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages. TW241F12 has an excellent track-record in structural parts and gear applications
Stanyl® TW241F12 is a high heat polyamide with superior flow that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages. TW241F12 has an excellent track-record in structural parts and gear applications
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