

Enabling your future proof designs


We are now Envalior!

Established in 2023 but with a combined heritage of over 100 years, Envalior brings together two established global materials players: DSM Engineering Materials and LANXESS High Performance Materials.

Until full integration of our webcontent, this website primarily covers the portfolio of (ex-)DSM Engineering Materials. Please find the (ex-)LANXESS High Performance Materials website here and our corporate Envalior.com website here.


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  • Blog

    Will your EV Charging Stations and Plugs comply with the new U.S. standard?

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    The U.S. is to propose standards for government funded EV Charging projects. By 2030, the Biden administration wants 50% of all new vehicles sold to be electric or plug-in hybrid electric models and 500,000 new EV charging stations. High-voltage charging, and aesthetics are key requirements and one of the challenges to overcome is how to combine flame retardance properties with reliable performance and aesthetics. This is when changing the design and using the right materials makes all the difference. Text displayed

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  • Insights

    White Papers

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    Explore our White Papers and learn how high performing materials can help to solve complex design challenges. Text displayed

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    What if the automotive industry didn’t have engineering plastics?

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    Engineering plastics have transformed the automotive industry and will continue to have a tremendous impact on the cars of the future.To help you imagine a world where plastics are not used in cars at all, let’s look at an example calculation of the cumulative impact of vehicles that weigh less. Text displayed

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    Vision and partnership key to advancing automotive composites

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    During the Society of Plastics Engineers Automotive Composites Conference and Exposition (SPE ACCE), Jud Gibson shared DSM’s insights regarding the future of automotive composites. Text displayed

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    Vision and partnership key to advancing automotive composites

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    During the Society of Plastics Engineers Automotive Composites Conference and Exposition (SPE ACCE), Jud Gibson shared DSM’s insights regarding the future of automotive composites. Text displayed

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    Viewpoint: Advancing polymers in automotive applications

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    The quest among automobile manufacturers to reduce vehicle weight is driving an expanding use of advanced plastics in increasingly harsh and demanding environments. The need for new solutions has never been greater, and that need is not likely to disappear. Text displayed

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    Vehicle electrification drives automotive trends while turbocharged engines get hotter

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    At the NPE 2024 Plastics Show, Jose Chirino, Technical Director at Envalior was a panelist for the Automotive Industry Plastic Materials Update presented by Chase Plastics. Topics discussed included the latest polymer developments, key market trends, plastics that have the potential to transform the sector, and the importance of sustainability in material choices. Text displayed

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    Using ocean waste to make more sustainable furniture

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    Each year, more than 8 million tons of plastic waste end up in the world’s oceans. Much of the waste culminates in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which covers an area twice the size of Texas and three times the size of France. Abandoned fishing nets are a growing part of this problem, and the World Wildlife Federation estimates they account for as much as 46% of the waste in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Text displayed

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  • Insights

    Use Cases

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    Explore our Use Cases and learn how high performing materials can help to solve complex design challenges. Text displayed

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    Understanding strength formation during injection molding helps prevent weldline problems

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    Weldline strength plays a crucial role when designing new parts or evolving the design of failed parts. During the injection molding process, the part geometry and obstacles to the melt flow may cause the melt to separate and rejoin. Thus, a weldline will be formed, potentially impairing the final part’s mechanical properties. Our Weldline Strength Tool can help you prevent weldline problems. Text displayed

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    Two-wheeler technical know-how: Envalior’s materials provide strength & durability that electric scooters need

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    A number of e-scooter components require specialized materials to ensure safe and reliable performance. Envalior's portfolio includes materials designed to meet the specific needs of these applications. Text displayed

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    Turning old water bottles into laptop and smart phone housings

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    As a design engineer, you are aware of the demand for sustainable plastic parts with high quality mechanical properties and aesthetic appeal. We offer material solutions that meet all your needs and fosters the sustainable development of resource- and climate-friendly material cycles — the new fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites under the Tepex® brand. Text displayed

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    Tool of the Month: Quickly compare materials’ strength & elongation at break after hot air exposure

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    When selecting materials for applications exposed to continuous hot air, design engineers want to know how long a material’s strength and maximum elongation at break can be retained, upon exposure to hot air of 150°C or higher. With our Heat Aging Tool, you can quickly compare materials and see which one best retains strength and elongation at break. Text displayed

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    Three key takeaways from JEC World 2024

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    During JEC World 2024 in Paris, Envalior revealed lightweight and flame-retardant composite applications for electric vehicles (EVs). Clemson University with partners Envalior, University of Delaware and Honda Development and Manufacturing of America, was one of three finalists for the JEC Composites Innovation Awards. Text displayed

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  • Press Release

    Thermoplastischer Verbundwerkstoff mit geringer Dicke besteht strenge Thermal Runaway-Tests für Batteriegehäuse von Elektrofahrzeugen

    Innovation Insights

    Envalior bietet einen neuen Verbundwerkstoff der Marke Tepex an, der die marktüblichen thermal runaway-Tests für Batteriegehäuse von Elektrofahrzeugen bei sehr dünnen Prüfkörperdicken besteht. Die hohe Beständigkeit des Composites gegen die extremen Bedingungen bei einem Brand von Batteriezellen beruht auf den nicht brennbaren Lang- und Endlosfasern, mit denen das Material in einem mehrschichtigen Aufbau verstärkt ist. Text displayed

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  • Recycled Materials

    The world’s first gluten-free bread packaging is made from certified circular plastics

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    When it came to packaging of their gluten-free Panini Rolls, Dr. Schär’s wanted to use an environmentally-friendly plastic, since they not only focus on healthy and nutritional baked product – they also focus on sustainability and circularity. This sustainable packaging solution utilizes Envalior’s Akulon® PA6 CRC-MB, as a barrier layer, to maintain taste, quality, and safety of bread products. Text displayed

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    The pursuit of continuous innovation: A low friction technology platform

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    Once we understood the potential value of using Stanyl in the timing chain system, we knew we needed to take this not only to our direct customers – system suppliers for the timing chain – but also to the car manufacturers. Text displayed

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  • Press Release

    Tepex von envalior für Bestzeiten im Kurzstreckenlauf

    Innovation Insights

    Locker auf Tempo laufen mit einem ultraleichten Schuh, der das Vorankommen mechanisch unterstützt – das ermöglicht der Puma Fast-FWD NITROTM Elite. Er ist als Wettkampfschuh für Strecken um fünf Kilometer konzipiert. Die maximierte Kraftübertragung ist einer neuen Technik von Puma für Zwischensohlen zu verdanken, die eine sogenannte PWRPLATE aus carbonfaserverstärktem Kunststoff mit einer Schaumstoffschicht kombiniert. Text displayed

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  • Insights

    Tech Talks

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    Envalior Tech Talks are videos created from a presentation given at one of Envalior’s locations, at an industry tradeshow/fair or one of our events around the world. Tech Talks are given by Envalior subject matter experts and cover materials science, trends and applications. The goal of Tech Talks is to provide best practices and applications insights, along with inspiration, and help you stay up to date about innovations in your industry. Text displayed

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    Tech Talk: Prevent costly EV battery recalls with Stanyl (PA46) SuccinoNitrile (SN)

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    One way to improve the safety of LiBs is to add SuccinoNitrile (SN), an electrolyte additive, delivering a reduction of harmful gas generation, protecting the cathode and hence reducing the risk of thermal runaway as well as increasing capacity retention of batteries. Join our webinar and learn from our experts how to meet the high safety standards and improve the overall EV battery performance. Text displayed

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  • Insights

    Tech Talk: How low ion leaching PPS thermoplastics help to control Fuel Cell power output degradation

    Tech Talk: How low ion leaching PPS thermoplastics help to control Fuel Cell power output degradation

    Today, PPS is trusted by industry-leading manufacturers and Tier1s worldwide in offering the lowest ion leaching and best strength and toughness retention in hydrolytic environment to ensure fuel cell systems are efficient, have a long life, and are safe and reliable. Text displayed

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  • Blog

    Tech Talk recap: Achieving safer, lighter and more sustainable vehicles with the right materials

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    The automotive industry is undergoing the most radical change of its 100+ year history. Three key drivers that are influencing consumers to make different choices are new, advanced technologies (i.e., electrification, connectivity, autonomous driving), economic factors, and the desire to steer towards a more sustainable future. Text displayed

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    Taking the heat: Laser direct structuring for e-scooter components

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    Congested Asian cities generate an incredible demand for the growth of the e-scooter market. A number of e-scooter components require specialized materials. The DSM portfolio of materials is designed to meet the specific needs of these applications, including the use of Laser Direct Structuring (LDS) for electronics integration. Text displayed

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    Taking handheld power tools performance to the next level with advanced materials

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    Handheld power tool manufacturers are looking to further refine e-motors, increase power density, increase efficiency, lower temperatures, increase life, while working with extremely compact designs – all while keeping costs and production efficiency top of mind. Currently, manufacturers are facing innovation challenges in the handheld power tool market, but there are advanced materials solutions that will take handheld power tools to the next level of performance. Text displayed

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  • Sports & Leisure

    Sympatex goes green with Arnitel® B-MB

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    Recently DSM and membrane manufacturer Sympatex Technologies introduced bio-based mass-balanced Arnitel®, a thermoplastic elastomer, which is manufactured with bio-based feedstock using a mass-balance approach—the end product contains more than 25% bio-based content by weight. This dedicated grade will now be replaced by the Arnitel B-MB version. Text displayed

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  • Blog

    Sympatex goes green with Arnitel® B-MB

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    Recently DSM and membrane manufacturer Sympatex Technologies introduced bio-based mass-balanced Arnitel®, a thermoplastic elastomer, which is manufactured with bio-based feedstock using a mass-balance approach—the end product contains more than 25% bio-based content by weight. This dedicated grade will now be replaced by the Arnitel B-MB version. Text displayed

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    Sustainable office chair is built with recycled ghost fishing nets

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    The Ahrend Remode is the most sustainable office chair yet—it is lightweight, modular, and made of recycled and recyclable materials. The chair’s structural seat components, backrest mechanism and the star base are manufactured from Akulon® RePurposed, a high-performance polyamide, made from recycled fishing nets. The mechanical recyclate closes Remode’s value chain designed for recycling and reduces CO2 emissions. Text displayed

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    Streamlining part production with computer-aided and predictive engineering

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    Computer-aided engineering (CAE) and predictive engineering (PE) applications are increasingly used in automotive validation testing since they help manufacturers bring parts to market faster. Working together with Digimat, DSM has invested in CAE and PE solutions that provide our customers with granular data on long-term part performance. Text displayed

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    Staying ahead of shifting water contact regulations while embracing circular materials

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    To meet the demands of evolving regulations and market dynamics, water system parts manufacturers are under pressure to bring compliant parts to the market. Lead-leaching brass is being retired, and in some cases polyamide 66 and POM need to be replaced with safer alternatives. Yet, many commercial plastics fail to meet the strict requirements. To stay ahead of competitors, it’s critical that part suppliers adopt robust, versatile and circular material solutions. Text displayed

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  • Appliances

    Stanyl’s sustainable journey—Engineering Materials expands its portfolio with Stanyl ECO and Stanyl B-MB

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    By 2030 DSM's complete product portfolio will be available in a bio- and/or recycled based alternatives, and in line with that ambition we are now expanding our bio-based product portfolio of Stanyl® with Stanyl® ECO and Stanyl B-MB (Biobased Mass Balanced). Both bio-based solutions enable the transition from depleting fossil energy sources to utilizing renewable energy sources while simultaneously reducing the carbon footprint of our materials. Text displayed

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  • Blog

    Stanyl® minimizes fire hazards when fast charging devices using USB-C connectors

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    Manufacturers are increasing charging speeds of smartphones, laptops and tablets. When fast charging devices have a charging standard of more than 18 Watts, they are charged much quicker and the cables and connectors used must be able to handle the higher voltage and be compatible with the device’s and charger’s fast charging standard. Connector manufacturers need to select insulating materials specifically developed to minimize the risk of fires that can potentially lead to serious accidents, costly recalls and severe damage to the brand’s reputation. Text displayed

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    Stanyl® PA46 offers the flexibility needed to design durable and strong powertrain bearings

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    Automakers are pursuing smaller and lighter automotive components, and developing faster, higher output motors operating at higher efficiencies. Accordingly, bearings used in powertrains, especially in electric motors, are being subjected to higher speeds and performance demands. Text displayed

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    Stanyl® PA46 improves Ram truck hot charge air duct performance

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    DSM, Flexfab and Steere Enterprises partnered to improve the hot charge air ducts for 2020 Ram 1500 3.0L EcoDiesel trucks in North America. The new ducts leverage Stanyl® Diablo polyamide 46 (PA46), which is formulated specifically for high-temperature blow-molded hot charge air ducts. Text displayed

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    Stanyl® 30 years strong: the story of the world’s most successful high-temperature polyamide

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    Over the last 30 years, Stanyl (PA46) has become a household name in the industry because of the unique benefits it brings our customers in a wide range of applications, from cooking utensils used in hot boiling oil to challenging automotive applications. This year we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of Stanyl. Text displayed

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    Stanyl's® journey: serendipity inspires innovation

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    Fast forward to today—Stanyl has an improved melting stability and increased performance in W&F, and Stanyl is available as a bio-based Nylon 46. Text displayed

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  • Building and construction

    Specialty polymers enable plumbing manufacturers to meet the need for lead-free water contact systems components

    By Miran Salej

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    Lead contaminated water is not only specific to the United States, it has also been found in many European countries. Based on different water regulations in different countries, manufacturers in the building and construction industries need to offer an alternative material to metal in parts they produce. Text displayed

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    Sensor material requirements ensure automobiles are safe for drivers and passengers

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    Sensors need to be reliable and work correctly. If a sensor is not working properly the driver will not be warned of potential maintenance issues and safety issues. For example, what if a car’s oil temperature is low and the temperature sensor doesn’t activate? Or, what if a tire pressure sensor is not working correctly and the tire is loosing air, but the sensor doesn’t go on? Text displayed

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    Safe and sustainable commuting via next-gen e-bikes

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    There is an evolution happening to the motorcycle industry. Among electric motorcycles is the e-bike—a hybrid bicycle with an integrated electric motor. The global demand for electric motorcycles is forecasted to grow at 1.5% to 38 million units in 2022—a strong double-digit growth, specifically in Europe, India and the United States. Text displayed

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    Reducing the risk of electronic failure in vehicles with halide-free materials

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    As automotive electronics become more powerful and complex, they generate higher power levels and more heat, increasing the risk of electrical failure and fire. Some suppliers use ionic additives to improve the thermal and flame retardant performance of the components used. These additives can form acids that corrode electrical contacts after prolonged exposure to heat and moisture, causing an electronic component to fail or change its characteristics, which may compromise a vehicle safety feature, such as a sensor. Text displayed

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    Reduce your carbon footprint with U.S. EPA and CARB compliant material solution for HDPE fuel tanks

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    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is turning its attention to manufacturing processes that use fluorination. In a letter issued by the EPA in 2022, the agency stated that the presence of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) formed as a byproduct in containers may be a violation of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Fluorination has been used as an industry standard to build a barrier technology against evaporative emissions for high density polyethylene (HDPE) fuel tanks, yet there are better permeation solutions available in the marketplace. Text displayed

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    Quickly predict moisture uptake to choose the best material for your application

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    Polyamide materials are hygroscopic—these materials take up moisture from a relative humid atmosphere or water, and release water into a dry atmosphere. For proper application designs, engineers want to be able to predict moisture uptake for polymides and know how it affects material performance in specific applications. With our Moisture Diffusion Tool, you can calculate the absorption and diffusion of moisture in polyamide materials as a function of time, position and temperature, for both 'as molded' and 'fully annealed' samples. Text displayed

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    Quickly compare materials’ strength & elongation at break after hot air exposure

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    When selecting materials for applications exposed to continuous hot air, design engineers want to know how long a material’s strength and maximum elongation at break can be retained, upon exposure to hot air of 150°C or higher. With our Heat Aging Tool, you can quickly compare materials and see which one best retains strength and elongation at break. Text displayed

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    Quickly calculate the chemical resistance of materials to reveal the effects of long-term exposure

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    Exposure of engineering materials to chemical substances typically results in a risk of affecting the material properties negatively. For a proper application design, engineers want priori knowledge of tensile strength and elongation-at-break based on the exposure to a medium representative for the application. With our Chemical Resistance Tool, you can calculate a material’s chemical resistance and reveal the effects of long-term exposure. Text displayed

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    Quickly calculate Thermal Expansion (CTE) of materials

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    When selecting materials for specific application types, design engineers want to know a materials ability to expand when exposed to different temperatures since temperature changes can lead to dimensional changes and cracks. With our Thermal Expansion (CTE) Tool you can quickly evaluate the dimension stability of our materials. Text displayed

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    Quickly and accurately calculate creep curves for every condition

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    When selecting resins for specific application types, design engineers want to compare creep properties of the resins they have to choose from. With our Creep Tool you can easily check the creep behavior of a material at any given temperature and stress level. Plus, you can use the tool to run simulations. Text displayed

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    Quickly & accurately calculate material fatigue performance with our Fatigue Tool

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    Calculating the fatigue lifetime under cyclic load is essential when choosing an advanced material for an application where repetitive loading is expected. Our Fatigue Tool quickly provides accurate and consistent fatigue data for many material grades and conditions, which is an essential part of the design phase and product development cycle. Text displayed

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    Putting the safety into EMI shielding with Xytron™ PPS

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    Electrical drivetrains are crucial to combat global warming, but there is a challenge to overcome—high voltage electrical powertrains generate electrical magnetic interference (EMI), which impacts the electronics needed to realize connected and autonomous vehicles. It has been found that performance differentiation is achieved via sophisticated interface science polymer/fillers. Learn about the material solution that balances the conductivity and good mechanics needed for EMI shielding. Text displayed

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    Providing you with low carbon circular materials for a sustainable future

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    Plastic pollution poses health risks to people and the planet. Legislators are increasing pressure on manufacturers to adopt circular material solutions that leave a low carbon footprint. Yet, finding a supplier that offers sustainable plastics that don’t compromise on quality can be a challenge. DSM leads you through the transition from linear to circular production models, helping you achieve sustainability targets. Text displayed

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    Providing a proven and reliable material for medical gowns to help healthcare facilities meet sustainability goals

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    The healthcare industry faces many challenges, one of them is sustainability. In an industry where provider and patient safety is critical, materials used in everyday items, such as medical and surgical gowns, must meet strict standards, and having sustainable properties too will help facilities meet sustainability goals. Text displayed

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    Price increase Envalior product portfolio per September 1st, 2024

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    Over the past months, costs for halogen containing flame retardants significantly increased. As a consequence, Envalior implements price increases for respective compounds. Text displayed

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    Predicting Fatigue Performance for Fiber Reinforced Plastic Gears

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    Predicting the mechanical performance of gears is essential to reducing the time and cost associated with developing new gear applications. We have developed a framework based on experimental case studies, local fiber orientation and intrinsic material behavior that accurately predicts the fatigue lifetime of gears. Text displayed

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    Predict stress-strain curves quickly with our Stress-strain Tool

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    Stress-strain behavior is at the core of all application development for design engineers. Our Stress-strain Tool helps you predict the stress-strain curve of our materials grades at any given temperature and humidity, ensuring the right conditions for your application without slowing down projects. Text displayed

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    Predict moisture vapor transmission rate of several Arnitel® grades.

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    Arnitel® material grades are frequently used in film applications that are permeable to water vapor or "breathable." For proper application designs, engineers want to be able to predict moisture vapor transmission rates (MVTR) for material grades and know how it affects material performance in specific applications. Our Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate Tool allows you to easily estimate the MVTR of a material you are considering. Text displayed

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    PlasticsFinder.com now includes tailormade PDS

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    Get a tailormade PDS (data sheet) per material grade based on available properties on PlasticsFinder.com. Find out specific mechanical, rheological, electrical, and thermal properties of a specific grade. Plus, you can also specify rheological calculation properties and diagrams of grades too. Text displayed

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    PlasticsFinder.com now includes a Toolbox with gear specifications and melt residence calculations

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    DSM Engineering Materials has updated Plasticsfinder.com with a new feature—the PlasticsFinder Toolbox. Users can now select gear material grades based on specifying the torque, gear design and main boundary conditions. They can also calculate melt time residence. Text displayed

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    PlasticsFinder.com Toolbox now includes a spider diagram for metal to plastic replacement

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    The Materials Selector provides guidance in choosing the correct material solution for the application you are working on. The tool allows you to highlight what requirements are most important for the specific application. Plus, you are able to visualize the performance of the chosen grades in a spider diagram. Text displayed

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    Plastic gears help to lightweight vehicles, increase fuel efficiency

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    Sintered metal gears are being replaced with high-performance plastic gears in automobiles because the demand to lightweight vehicles and increase fuel efficiency is far from just a trend—it is driven by meeting new and upcoming legislation to reduce emissions. Text displayed

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    Performance + sustainability: From fishing nets to high-performance materials

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    When Starboard approached us about using Akulon RePurposed for fins, fin boxes, SUP pumps, and other structural surfboard parts, they made it clear that they needed a high-performance material that contributed to a circular economy. Text displayed

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    Part prototyping: Helping you achieve first-time-right while reducing costs and delays

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    When designing and producing a new product, manufacturers have recognized that prototyping can be used to validate design solutions, enabling better decision making. This not only results in a more effective and efficient product development process, but also helps achieve first-time-right mass production tools. In short, it saves time and money. Text displayed

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    Part compliance services: mission critical to your success

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    Manufacturers are knowledgeable in organizing material approvals, and they also expect the suppliers they work with to be experts when it comes to understanding the reality of region-specific regulations and legislation, and which approvals are needed to be compliant. This is where DSM’s compliance experts come into play, to do the appropriate materials research and determine if the component you are producing is meeting all industry and regional regulations. Text displayed

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    PPS for hydrogen mobility — no trouble for H2

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    Fuel cells lend themselves to many areas in the transportation sector, and heavy-duty transportation in particular profits from them. Yet, special materials are required for these complex drive systems. Polyphenylene sulfide-based compounds developed for this purpose not only offer mechanical and chemical resistance—these compounds also extend the fuel cell system’s service life. Text displayed

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    Overcoming barriers to EV adoption with high-performance electrolyte additives

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    Electric vehicle (EV)production is accelerating quickly, yet the high cost of Lithium-ion batteries has been a long-standing barrier to battery-powered EV adoption. To ensure EVs have longer driving ranges, battery packs need to support higher energy density. High nickel ternary alloys and manganese-based, lithium-rich metal oxides is a promising method for increasing the energy density and capacity of batteries. Yet, there are drawbacks to using these compounds, which elevate the risk of thermal runaway. Text displayed

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    Overcoming CARB evaporative emissions regulatory challenges

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    For many years, regulatory agencies around the world have focused on reducing automotive and heavy-duty on-highway vehicle emissions, but more recently attention has shifted to the impact of small off-road engines for applications such as outdoor power equipment. Text displayed

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    Optimizing thermal management systems for EVs with advanced materials

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    As automotive brands bring more electric vehicles to market, they need to address the safety issues related to electric engine batteries. These batteries need to operate within a narrow temperature range to optimize energy efficiency and extend the engine’s service life – and risk thermal runaway that can create a fire hazard if they reach temperatures above 65°C. Text displayed

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    Optimizing gears for electric brake actuators

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    As connected car technology continues to evolve, automotive OEMs are replacing vacuum and hydraulic brakes with electric braking systems. These systems improve fuel economy, enable a smoother driving experience, and can stop vehicles faster to prevent collisions. Electric brakes require several gear-driven actuators to maximize system efficiency and reliability. Since electric brake designs are highly compact, OEMs require actuator gears that are increasingly thin and extremely durable. Text displayed

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    Optimizing gear performance in small appliances

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    Many small appliances, including miniature food processors and mobile printers, require very small or thin plastic gears that fit into compact designs. If a small or thin-molded gear breaks, the consumer will need to engage in time-consuming repairs. Text displayed

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    Optimizing antenna radiator units for 5G towers

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    Beyond providing superior mobile experiences, 5G enables a vast range of next-generation technologies. To support growing demand for 5G services, next-gen 5G base stations require a massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antenna array for the active antenna unit (AAU) design. Manufacturers need to reduce the weight and size of antenna radiator units to ensure towers remain stable. Text displayed

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  • Stanyl

    North American automakers take center stage at the Detroit Auto Show 2023

    Four key takeaways from Battery Show Europe 2023

    The 2023 Detroit Auto Show kicked off with automotive professionals attending the event Sept. 13-14, at Huntington Place, Detroit. North American manufacturers, including Ford, GM and Stellantis, showcased their newest electric, hybrid and internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Many of these vehicles incorporate components made with Envalior materials. Text displayed

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    Norda™ partners with Envalior to deliver the lightest, most resilient and durable trail running shoe made with Arnitel®

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    Envalior today announces it has partnered with norda™, a Montreal-based trail running shoe company, to deliver the 005 ultra distance super shoe, which was unveiled during the UTMB race series in Chamonix, France, August 27. Text displayed

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    New standard for charging and data connectors generates less e-waste, but imposes increased fire risk

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    The USB-C connector outperforms traditional cable performance and is convenient—you can flip the connector to both sides, making it much easier to use. Plus, one standard means less cables will be produced, ultimately reducing e-waste overall. Text displayed

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    New eco-friendly, flexible material solution raises the bar of temperature resistant TPCs for air management applications

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    For hybrid vehicles, there is an ongoing demand for internal combustion engine (ICE) powertrains to deliver better fuel economy, higher efficiency and reduced emissions. The trend to improve ICE vehicle efficiency with better fuel economy and an increase in engine power owes a lot to turbocharge technology. When there is an increase in engine performance and efficiency, high heat and more aggressive gasses under high pressure are a result. Text displayed

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    Neues PBT, das eine hervorragende Haftung mit einem weit verbreiteten Silikonkleber bietet

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    Die Elektromobilität und der Trend zu Fahrassistenz- und Sicherheitssystemen führen dazu, dass im Automobilbau die Nachfrage nach thermoplastischen Kunststoffen für elektronische Geräte und Baugruppen stark steigt. Typische Anwendungen sind etwa Gehäuse für Radarsensoren, Steuerungsgeräte und Kameras. Text displayed

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    More intelligent design, now available 100% online

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    The Design Guide is a tool to help engineers, designers and mold makers create parts that meet structural performance, weight, cost and aesthetics requirements. Text displayed

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    Meeting power demands of USB-C connectors while reducing risk of electrical arcing

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    Thermoplastics are materials used for charging cables and power adapters in early versions of USB connectors. The newest USB-C connectors have at least double the output of older charging cables and adapters. When designing new USB-C connectors, you need a material with a high CTI rating for tracking resistance and superior bonding strength, and properties that enable strong weld lines and thin walls, to minimize the risk of arcing. Text displayed

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    Meeting new automotive emissions standards in India

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    India’s automotive industry is one of the largest in the world, and is in a state of transition. Developing lightweight parts also takes a partner who sees these challenges as opportunities, and drivers of innovation. Text displayed

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    Meeting food contact safety standards in the kitchen

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    Kitchen utensil applications are technical in nature, calling for good aesthetics, unique properties or different shading elements—you want your brand to stand out and be unique in the market place. Text displayed

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    Materials solution for fuel tanks meets stringent emission norms and reduced space demands

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    Fuel tanks are the perfect components to lightweight, but this opportunity does come with its challenges. Lightweighting applications designed for ICE vehicles must help the entire vehicle meet the emission norms and fuel efficiency requirements, while applications for hybrid vehicles need to extend the driving range of the vehicle. Text displayed

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    Material solutions to increase tank-to-wheel efficiency & reliability of fuel cells

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    Most often when we think of electric vehicles, we think of them being powered by lithium ion batteries, but if it’s the most environmental friendly solution? Maybe not. As an alternative, automobiles can be powered by fuel cell technology. Text displayed

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    Material solutions help decrease safety risks of electrical powertrain systems

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    It’s imperative the automotive industry considers safety requirements of electric vehicle components—if not, consumers would likely suffer major drawbacks in the safety of EVs. Because the electrical powertrain typically operates at high voltage with currents of several hundred amperes, safety has never been as important as it is today. Text displayed

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    Material solutions ensure sensors for home appliances are safe and reliable

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    Household appliance manufacturers want sensors in their products to work properly and be reliable. No one wants the temperature sensor in a refrigerator to stop working—that could result in a refrigerator that is either too warm or cold, and either spoiled or frozen food. Text displayed

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    Material selection for best-in-class soft touch components

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    The demand for soft touch components used in consumer facing applications—such as smart phones and fitness trackers—has increased significantly. Consumers are engaged with their personal devices, exposing soft touch components to prolonged use, weather damage, and increased exposure to everyday chemicals. Arnitel is an industry-leading TPE material that offers exceptional durability, strength, comfort, and design flexibility, making it a great material solution for these applications. Text displayed

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    Manufacturing stronger, sustainable non-pneumatic tires with advanced TPE

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    Recently, the construction, agricultural and specialty vehicle markets have started capitalizing on the advantages of non-pneumatic tires. When investing in non-pneumatic technology, manufacturers need assurance that end products will respond to each of their customers’ existing and future challenges. Text displayed

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    Manufacturing safe, high-performance appliance connectors

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    As smart home technology gives us greater flexibility, connector safety and performance are critical. DSM delivers materials that adhere to miniaturization trends, ensure the safety of end consumers, and help you improve product sustainability. Text displayed

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    Manufacturing safe, high-performance MCBs with superior thermoplastics

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    Working directly with industry-leading circuit breaker manufacturers, our team developed a complete thermoset replacement solution for MCBs. The material solutions are designed to address the safety and performance requirements of individual MCB housing and internal parts. Text displayed

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    Manufacturing plastic gas tanks that exceed fuel emission limits

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    Manufacturing gas-powered OPE that complies with environmental regulations is a challenge due to evaporative fuel emissions permeating through plastic fuel tanks. DSM’s Akulon® Fuel Lock provides an evaporative emissions barrier more than six times stronger than the regulations require, minimizing any risk of non-compliance. Text displayed

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    Manufacturing next-generation EV charging plugs

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    New suppliers entering the EV market are producing charging plugs using lower quality materials to drive costs down. But, low quality materials fail to deliver the aesthetic value manufacturers expect. Plus, they are also unsuitable for new fast-charging plugs, which process higher voltage rates and require high-strength materials designed to ensure final parts are safe to handle. By leveraging materials without flame retardant additives, manufacturers have the opportunity to enhance surface appearance, performance and quality of charging plugs, without driving up costs. Text displayed

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    Manufacturing long-lasting fuel cells for transport vehicles

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    Industrial leaders are making massive investments in promoting fuel cell systems –primarily in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), which offer low working temperatures, short start up times, the ability to run on ambient air, and easier electrolyte management. This is crucial for transport vehicles, which are built to travel long distances while maintaining a long service life. The first OEMs to launch PEMFCs optimized for the needs of transport vehicles will achieve a substantial competitive advantage. Text displayed

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    Manufacturing lightweight and cost-effective tanks for hydrogen vehicles

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    A long-standing barrier to increasing the adoption of hydrogen vehicles is the weight and cost of their pressurized fuel tanks – which are typically made of steel or aluminium and limit a vehicle’s range and load capacity. As a result, manufacturers are looking to replace metal hydrogen tank materials with engineering thermoplastics that enable them to simplify designs, reduce part weight and lower production costs. Text displayed

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    Manufacturing eco-friendly, lead-free water heater and boiler parts

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    Governments and consumers are more concerned than ever with public health issues and sustainability that stem from the global water industry, including its water heater market. To protect the health of consumers, key regulatory bodies, including the NSF, have rapidly altered standards for manufacturing drinking water components. These changes include new, stringent material regulations for plumbing parts – including water heaters, heat pumps and boilers. Text displayed

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    Manufacturing durable, lightweight gears for demanding comfort actuator applications

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    Interior vehicle features that enhance the comfort of drivers and passengers influence customers’ purchasing decisions, and to meet consumer expectations, comfort systems require numerous actuators. As the demand for these parts is expected to play a significant role in driving the growth of the global automotive electric actuator market, manufacturers need to work with actuator gear suppliers that are prepared to deliver robust parts in a timely manner. Text displayed

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    Manufacturing automotive bearing cages optimized for EVs

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    Metal material solutions are being replace with advanced thermoplastics to reduce vehicle weight and lower production costs. Bearing cage manufacturers must leverage thermoplastics that respond to every performance, design and cost concern faced. Text displayed

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    Mann+Hummel honors Envalior with corporate social responsibility & sustainability award

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    MANN+HUMMEL, one of the world's largest filter manufacturers, awarded Envalior as their top supplier for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability during its bi-annual Global Supplier Event, held in Ludwigsburg, Germany, July 11, 2024. Text displayed

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    Making outdoor power equipment lighter and more efficient

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    To address this demand for sustainable lawn maintenance, gardening and commercial landscaping equipment, OPE manufacturers are leveraging material science to create products that are stronger, lighter and much more efficient than gas-powered equipment. Text displayed

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    Making electronic & mobile phone components thinner, stronger and integrated

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    Electronics and smartphone components manufacturers are placing many requirements on the materials used to make these applications. Materials must be strong, have functional integration and overcome the challenges faced when designing very small and thin pieces. Thinner devices mean the sizes of connector receptacles and plugs are being reduced, and so is the space for these parts. Text displayed

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    Lieferant des Jahres 2022

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    STIHL hat die in Envalior aufgegangene LANXESS Performance Materials GmbH zusammen mit vier weiteren Unternehmen als „Lieferant des Jahres 2022“ geehrt. Mit dieser Auszeichnung prämiert das Familienunternehmen seit 1990 Lieferanten, die herausragende Leistungen in puncto Qualität, Technologie, Innovation, Service und Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis zeigen. Text displayed

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    Leveraging thermoplastic expertise to optimize system designs

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    Manufacturers are focused on developing next-gen products. Strategically replacing traditional metal parts with robust thermoplastics components can enhance system performance, safety, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal ¬– while lowering weight and costs. DSM combines unmatched expertise in system design with market-proven engineering materials to enable you to exceed OEMs’ expectations, reduce operating costs and elevate overall product quality. Text displayed

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    Leveraging safe, high-performance materials for kitchen utensils

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    Consumers and regulators are concerned with the potential health risks posed by plastic kitchen utensils. In the past decade, the U.S. FDA and European Commission have banned or restricted potentially carcinogenic substances commonly found in food utensils and packaging. As a result, household goods manufacturers are under pressure to ensure cookware meets evolving food contact safety regulations. Plus, consumers expect high-quality, long-lasting products that are environmentally friendly and available at a low cost. Text displayed

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    Leveraging certified, globally accessible materials to produce high-quality water meters

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    Global water security initiatives are pressuring water industry leaders to improve drinking water safety, reduce their carbon footprint and manage water resources more sustainably. As a result, more water distribution systems are being fitted with smart water meters. Plus, manufacturers of device parts such as turbines, head rings, and measuring chambers are quickly replacing brass and copper with alternative materials to protect consumers from lead in water. Text displayed

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    Leveraging advanced thermoplastics to manufacture cobots

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    Safer, faster and more cost-effective cobots are already transforming industries. Safety and efficiency are key to the commercial success of cobots, yet the inertia of metal material solutions poses safety risks to workers and limits the speed of these devices. Engineering plastics as a lightweight alternative material solution, not only decrease safety risks but also offer significant product cost, efficiency and sustainability advantages. Text displayed

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    Key trends seen at Kitchen & Bath China 2023

    By Miran Salej

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    This June more than 1,300 exhibitors, including kitchen and bath manufacturers and suppliers, from around the world gathered at the Shanghai New International Expo Center in the Pudong New Area to showcase their newest kitchen and bathroom products. Key trends seen at the show were smart homes, sustainable product design, and lead-free water contact components. Text displayed

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    Keeping up with EV thermal management system components needs

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    Engineers often face challenges when choosing what material solution to use for thermal management system (TMS) component applications. Material solutions used in EV TMS applications need to withstand moderate coolant temperatures, but with longer exposure times. Text displayed

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    Keeping sustainability & patient safety at the forefront with next-gen medical grade materials

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    Heightened awareness from hospital leadership, consumers and other stakeholders has created a demand for medical suppliers to provide sustainable solutions. This is driving OEMs to set ambitious sustainability targets, so they can meet the demands of their customers. Reducing your carbon footprint can be challenging for many reasons, and the best place to start reducing your carbon footprint is to take a hard look at your supply chain. Text displayed

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    Is a magnesium-shortage tsunami about to slam the automotive industry?

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    Approximately 90% of the world’s supply of magnesium comes from China, and since September magnesium smelters there have either shut down or halved their production capacities due to the energy crisis. The current shortage has resulted in record prices and supply chain issues in the EU. There is a way to overcome this shortage— use metal to plastic replacement, which is already a common approach in the automotive industry to decrease weight and the cost of components. Text displayed

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    Insights into the new energy vehicle market of 2030

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    With the dramatic changes in the world today, we understand the significance and meaning of “speed” in this era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). At the same time, the automobile industry is also undergoing fundamental and even disruptive changes in engineering technologies or business models. Text displayed

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    Envalior’ scientists and engineers support our valued customers across the globe by applying our broad and deep material and application expertise to find the best solutions for a wide variety of design and production challenges. Text displayed

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    Innovative Materials for Lightweight EV Battery Enclosures

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    As the electric vehicle (EV) share of the automobile market continues to grow, the new means of propulsion has created the need to take a fresh look at automotive design, engineering and manufacturing. The automobile industry is demanding lighter, stronger and safer products, and Envalior engineering materials experts are meeting those demands with innovative new materials. Text displayed

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    Innovative Materials for Hybrid and BEV Thermal Management Applications

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    Speaking at the ITB Thermal Management Systems & Materials Conference 2024, in Novi, Michigan, Russell Bloomfield, Application Development Manager, presented a session about the performance of proven PPA and PPS materials developed for hybrid and EV thermal management systems, along with findings from chemical exposure tests conducted with dielectric fluids related to immersive cooling. Text displayed

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    Explore our Infographics and learn how high performing materials can help to solve complex design challenges. Text displayed

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  • Automotive

    India EV conference promises a bright future for e-mobility

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    Nileshkumar Kukalyekar, Commercial Director, attended the India EV Conclave event in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, to share his expertise and network with experts in the Indian electric vehicle (EV) industry. Hosted by Autocar Professional magazine, the conference brought together experts from across the electric mobility ecosystem to discuss the future of this exciting field. Text displayed

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    Improving patient outcomes with safer ventilator tubing

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    Medical equipment manufacturers are scaling up production of ventilators to help people worldwide fight respiratory illness. Yet, moisture trapped inside respiratory tubing can cause ventilator acquired pneumonia, which puts the health of patients in jeopardy. Envalior’s Arnitel® VT materials offer moisture vapor transmission capabilities to minimize rainout that forms inside tubing, and support design simplification that may eliminate the need for moisture traps. Text displayed

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    Improving drinking water safety with sustainable faucet materials

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    Drinking water crises are making more consumers aware of the health risks that plumbing parts containing leachable substances pose. As a result, manufacturers of residential water system components, including faucet mixing valves and mixing cartridges, are under pressure to use safe and sustainable materials. As regulators in the EU and U.S. implement increasingly strict water contact safety standards, more manufacturers are turning to engineering thermoplastics, which, in addition to leaching zero lead, can substantially reduce production costs. Text displayed

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    Improving connector performance and sustainability with EcoPaXX®

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    Electronics and electrical industry leaders know consumers and investors will continue to demand more safe and sustainable products. Molex is no exception as they work to innovate their connectivity solutions. Text displayed

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    Improving ADAS performance while reducing costs

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    Technology enabling greater connectivity is transforming the automotive industry. Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are key to enabling connected cars and in the future, autonomous vehicles are expected use ADAS that includes 40 sensors or more. As a result, the global ADAS market is forecasted to achieve a 17% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through 2026 – prompting automotive suppliers to increase their investments in the technology. Text displayed

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    Implementing more powerful electric motors with PA46

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    Ball bearings in EVs must meet higher requirements than in ICE vehicles. The trend towards more compact and lower weight electric motors operating at higher rotational speeds is reinforcing this. A material that offers higher stiffness and creep resistance than the usual PA66, and which is more cost-effective than PEEK, is available. Text displayed

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    I care, we care, and why you should care about our commitment to safety

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    At Envalior, we are proud of how our employees, contractors, and visitors have embraced our safety culture. The Envalior motto is “I care, we care” because we don’t want to see anyone have an incident on our sites. As an example of our dedication to safety, we recently had a buildout at the Evansville facility, and much time and attention was devoted to safety, even before the project started. Text displayed

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    Hydrogen powered fuel cell EVs will play major role in decarbonizing the transportation sector

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    Hydrogen will first play a major role in the heavier and long-range transportation segments—buses, vans, and medium to large cars (in fleets and taxis) because they are heavier vehicles and have longer range distances driven. DSM has been on the forefront of hydrogen fuel cell technology—we have already done extensive research on and development of hydrogen storage tanks and fuel cell components. Text displayed

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    How to ensure safe and efficient lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles

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    The automotive industry will move away from internal combustion engines to lower emissions and pave the way for connected cars. Learn about the role lithium-ion batteries play. Text displayed

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    How smarter plastic packaging helps to reduce food waste

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    Plastic packaging waste feeds another critical environmental issue: the plastic garbage patches floating in our oceans. At Envalior, we find this threat to our ecosystem unacceptable, and work closely with APK to find outlets for high-quality re-granulates from solvent based recycling of complex multi-layer packaging. Text displayed

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    How Envalior’s automotive expertise can support India’s Automotive Mission Plan

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    India’s Automotive Mission Plan (AMP) aims to grow the country’s economy, while improving consumer access to transportation. It advocates policies intended to help Indian automakers and their manufacturing partners bring safer, lighter and more sustainable vehicles to market. Envalior is ready to support the Government of India and Indian automotive industry in realizing the goals of AMP 2026. Text displayed

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    Highlights of First Envalior North America Customer event

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    The first Envalior North America Customer event took place November 9, at the Troy, Michigan, office. During the event, colleagues and customers learned about the newly formed materials powerhouse, including its product portfolio, materials for EV applications, sustainability initiatives, and the automotive industry’s current outlook, plus toured application exhibits and the laboratory. Text displayed

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    Helping you stay up to date on material solutions while working from home

    Sign up for one or more mini-webinars to stay abreast of application solutions and best practices

    Sign up for one or more mini-webinars to stay abreast of application solutions and best practices Text displayed

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  • Automotive

    Helping you make a safer, lighter and more sustainable electric vehicle

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    Working with global automotive tiers and OEMs, Envalior is building on our track record in the automotive, electrical and electronics industries, and leveraging our position in sustainability, providing unique material solutions for electric vehicles. Text displayed

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    Helping you exceed the service life of fuel cell transport vehicles

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    Combining the best of the electric vehicle and internal combustion engine worlds, proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) offer emissions-free driving of an EV with the range and convenience of a traditional ICE. Manufacturers must ensure the PEMFC is reliable and doesn’t degrade in hot water or a mild acid environment to meet and exceed the long service life of commercial transport vehicles. Text displayed

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    Helping you accurately evaluate part designs with our Material Card Selector

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    For proper application designs, engineers want to run advanced simulations and obtain the most precise predictions possible during product development. With our Material Card Selector, you can easily and quickly download material cards for a large range of our grades and conditions. The key output is a material card ready to be used in common CAE software packages. Once you select what software to use, you can filter for a material, version and other parameters. Text displayed

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    Helping electronics manufacturers connect with color and functionality

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    The leading engineers in the consumer electronics industry are no longer constrained by the design limitations of Liquid Crystal Polymers (LCP). DSM Engineering Materials invented Stanyl—a high-performance nylon/polyamide (PA46) solution—to enable manufacturers to overcome persistent challenges. Text displayed

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    HR-PBT is the key to hydrolysis resistance for applications in demanding environments

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    As the automotive industry begins to transition from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles, we are also seeing major developments that improve the fuel efficiency of internal combustion engines. DSM’s Arnite HR-PBT portfolio addresses these challenges. Text displayed

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    Going the distance with high-voltage charging

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    The automotive industry still has a few hurdles to overcome in the push to electric vehicles. Ultimately, the most effective electric vehicles will be designed with miniaturized components that reduce weight and the space they consume in the vehicle. Text displayed

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    From planning to post-processing optimization, Envalior is with you every step of the way

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    As a solutions provider, Envalior’s service to you, our manufacturing partner, doesn’t end when we supply you with high-quality raw materials, or even when we create a part or component customized for your application. Post-processing optimization has always been a part of what we do to ensure our customers’ success, helping you achieve first time right. Text displayed

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    Four reasons to choose Envalior in India as your partner

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    Sustainability and technology are mega trends affecting many industries, including automotive, medical, electrical and electronics, and building and construction. Envalior India can help you navigate the challenges faced in these evolving industries when choosing materials solutions for specific applications. Look to Envalior as your partner for materials solutions, services and expertise. Text displayed

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    Four key takeaways from Battery Show Europe 2023

    Four key takeaways from Battery Show Europe 2023

    In May, during the Battery Show Europe 2023 in Stuttgart, Germany, Envalior—formerly DSM Engineering Materials and Lanxess HPM—was in full force showcasing new composite material that passes thermal runaway tests, studies on large battery housings that can be injection-molded, and comprehensive material tests for battery thermal management. Text displayed

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    Five tips for choosing the right engineering plastic for E&E connectors

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    For decades, DSM has worked with the world’s leading electrical and electronic (E&E) manufacturers to understand the material requirements and create industry-leading engineering plastics customized for connector applications. Learn more Text displayed

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    Five reasons to consider recycle-based Akulon® RePurposed in your next collection

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    Akulon RePurposed is made from abandoned nylon fishing nets that are cut up, cleaned, extruded, inspected for quality, and shipped back to us for compounding. Text displayed

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    Five Plastics Finder Tips to Search Like a Pro

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    To help customers and the industry overcome this challenge, DSM Engineering Materials recently launched plasticsfinder.com. In Plastics Finder, users can easily search technical details and application examples for more than 550 unique plastic grades in one easy and mobile-friendly website. Text displayed

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    Five Plastics Finder Tips to Search Like a Pro

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    To help customers and the industry overcome this challenge, DSM Engineering Materials recently launched plasticsfinder.com. In Plastics Finder, users can easily search technical details and application examples for more than 550 unique plastic grades in one easy and mobile-friendly website. Text displayed

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    Finding the right plastic for demanding oil and gas applications

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    Petroleum engineers must overcome many application challenges to meet rising global energy demands. When designing applications, it is a must that the material used stands up to corrosive seawater, abrasive conditions (sand/rock), chemical exposure and severe fluctuating temperatures. We can enable you to meet and exceed the demands of oil and gas industry applications when using advanced materials solutions that offer robust performance in aggressive environments. Text displayed

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    Evansville plant modernization showcases Envalior’s commitment to innovation

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    Innovation is in Envalior’s DNA—Our commitment to innovation can be found at the renovation and modernization of our Brighter Evansville plant in Evansville, Indiana. The project incorporates new equipment and procedures. These innovations ensure that customers will receive the highest quality, purest raw materials. Text displayed

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    Envalior’s commitment to sustainability displayed at Evansville plant renovation project

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    When you become a manufacturing partner with Envalior, you can rest assured that you are working with a company in which sustainability is a long-standing value. We have implemented many sustainability initiatives. Plus, we can share with our customers proven sustainability solutions that can help them become more sustainably focused. Text displayed

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    Envalior’s Jhagadia and Porto Feliz sites certified to ISCC Plus standard

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    Two more of Envalior’s 18 production facilities—Jhagadia in India and Porto Feliz in Brazil—have been certified to the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) Plus sustainability standard. These sites can now market ECO compounds of the Durethan® (polyamides 6 and 66) and Pocan® (PBT) brands, for which the content of bio-based and/or circular raw materials is rendered completely transparent for customers. Text displayed

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    Envalior works with sustainability-focused startup DiFOLD to help create an award-winning reusable and recyclable water bottle.

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    Sustainably-focused startup DiFOLD has been on a mission to create foldable reusable products that will reduce the environmental impact of packaging waste. The startup chose Envalior’s Arnitel® Eco – a bio-based thermoplastic copolyester – for its flagship Origami Bottle. Text displayed

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    Envalior wins China Low Voltage Industry Association “Best Supplier” Award

    Envalior wins China Low Voltage Industry Association “Best Supplier” Award

    Recently Envalior, formerly DSM Engineering Materials and Lanxess HPM, received “the Best Supplier” award at the sixth AVE Award ceremony by China Low Voltage Industry Association (LVA) & China Renewable Energy Power Committee. The biennial AVE Award is the most influential award in China’s electrical and renewable energy industry. Text displayed

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    Envalior sustainability efforts recognized by CII ITC Award in India

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    Envalior was recently awarded the prestigious CII ITC Award in India. The award was given to Envalior’s facility in Pantnagar, India, in recognition of the company’s innovative approach to reduce its environmental impact. The facility was identified for health and safety impacts that play a vital role for improvement of products and a re-purposed product portfolio. Text displayed

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    Envalior reveals cutting-edge lightweight and flame-retardant composite applications at JEC World 2024

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    Envalior’s Bond-Laminates will reveal their latest innovations across various application fields with a focus on the megatrends of new mobility and sustainability at JEC World 2024 in Paris. Attendees visiting the booth will see innovative solutions for individualized product designs and product properties as well as enhanced safety resource conservation and environment protection. Text displayed

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    Envalior presents itself at the "PIAE" congress as a hub of innovation and ideas for the latest automotive trends

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    At the international VDI congress Plastics in Automotive Engineering 2024 (PIAE), June 19-20, in Mannheim, Germany, Envalior will present material and technology solutions that make cars safer, lighter and more sustainable. The new plastics company, which was created through the merger of two industry leaders – DSM Engineering Materials (DEM) and LANXESS High Performance Materials (HPM) – offers a very extensive and versatile product portfolio of high-performance thermoplastics and advanced composite solutions. Text displayed

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    Envalior presents how electronics & automotive trends impact polyamides

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    Dr. Tamim P. Sidiki, global marketing director for Envalior, discussed current and future trends in electronics and automotive markets at the Performance Polyamides conference, in Troy, Michigan. Text displayed

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    Envalior presents best practices to increase safety and reliability in EVs during 2023 SPE EAV Conference

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    In April 2023, The Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) hosted the 2023 Electric & Autonomous Vehicle (EAV) conference in Troy, Michigan. Keith Kauffmann, application development engineer for Envalior, formerly DSM Engineering Materials and Lanxess Performance Materials, presented a session about Next Gen Materials to Increase Safety and Reliability in Electrical Powertrains. Text displayed

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  • Press Release

    Envalior opens new distribution center in Evansville, Indiana

    Innovation Insights

    Envalior is excited to announce the opening of a new third-party operated 225,000-sq.ft. distribution center in Evansville, Indiana, USA. Located next to Envalior’s Evansville production facility via a bridge, the new distribution center will provide Envalior with increased capacity and flexibility for its Evansville operations. It will support the growing demand for Envalior high-performance and sustainable engineering materials across various industries, including automotive, medical and consumer goods. Text displayed

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    Envalior makes debut appearance at Chinaplas 2024, showcasing material innovations

    Innovation Insights

    Envalior, the new engineering material powerhouse, emerged from the combination of two highly complementary industry leaders in engineering materials – DSM Engineering Materials (DEM) and LANXESS High Performance Materials (HPM), made its debut appearance at Chinaplas 2024 in Shanghai. The company revealed its latest innovations across various application fields, with a focus on the innovative trend of new mobility and sustainability. Text displayed

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    Envalior increases production capacity in China to tap growing e-mobility and E&E markets

    Innovation Insights

    Envalior präsentiert auf der Fakuma 2023 Material- und Technologielösungen für Schlüsseltrends der Zukunft wie etwa die Elektro- und Brennstoffzellenmobilität, das autonome Fahren, den Leichtbau, die alternative Energieerzeugung und die Digitalisierung. Text displayed

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    Envalior increases production capacity in China to tap growing e-mobility and E&E markets

    Innovation Insights

    Envalior announces that its planned expansions at the Jiangyin and Changzhou production sites have been completed, with a new state-of-the-art compounding line built at each location. Both facilities produce sustainable high-performance materials for the automotive, electrical and electronics markets, among other segments. Text displayed

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    Envalior highlights from Fakuma 2023

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    During Fakuma 2023 held Oct. 15-19, in Friedrichshafen, Germany, approximately 21,000 attendees and 1,500 exhibitors, including Envalior, were at the trade show. At our booth, we unveiled our cutting-edge material and technology solutions, catering to the future's most crucial trends, including sustainability, mobility and digitization. Text displayed

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    Envalior highlights from Auto Expo 2023

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    Auto Expo 2023, Asia’s largest automotive show, has drawn to a close. It was an impressive event with more than 600,000 attendees and more than 150 exhibitors, including Envalior. At our booth, we featured innovative materials solutions for mobility, focusing on hydrogen vehicle applications. Text displayed

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  • Press Release

    Envalior betritt als neuer Weltmarktführer den Markt für technische Materialien

    Innovation Insights

    Envalior, ein global führendes Unternehmen für technische Kunststoffe, gibt heute seinen offiziellen Start als Unternehmen bekannt. Mit einem Umsatz von rund EUR 4 Milliarden und einem hochqualifizierten und divers aufgestellten Team von rund 4.000 Mitarbeitenden weltweit zählt Envalior zu den führenden Unternehmen im Bereich technischer Kunststoffe. Text displayed

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    Envalior auf der internationalen Fachmesse für Kunststoffverarbeitung Fakuma 2023

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    Auf der Fakuma 2023 präsentiert Envalior Material- und Technologielösungen für wichtige Zukunftstrends wie Elektro- und Brennstoffzellenmobilität, autonomes Fahren, Leichtbau, alternative Energiegewinnung und Digitalisierung. Text displayed

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    Envalior auf der JEC World 2023

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    Envalior präsentiert auf der JEC World, die vom 25. bis 27. April in Paris stattfindet, neue Material- und Technologieentwicklungen seiner endlosfaserverstärkten thermoplastischen Verbundhalbzeuge der Marke Tepex. Text displayed

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    Envalior auf dem VDI-Kongress "Kunststoffe im Automobilbau 2023"

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    Im Mittelpunkt des Auftritts von Envalior auf der VDI-Tagung „Plastics in Automotive Engineering 2023“ in Mannheim stehen vor allem Material- und Technologielösungen für Fahrzeuge, die batterieelektrisch oder mit Brennstoffzellen angetrieben werden. Text displayed

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    Envalior and customers celebrate grand opening of ISCC certificated Evansville, Indiana, plant expansion

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    In September 2022, we—Envalior and our customers—celebrated the opening of the upgraded and expanded Evansville, Indiana, facility, which recently received International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) under the SCS Global Services Responsible Biofuel Program. Together with the transition to using 100% renewable electricity, the project also includes advanced energy-saving features. Text displayed

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    Envalior and Samsung Electronics work together to develop a smartphone made with recycled ocean-bound fishing nets

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    Envalior partnered with Samsung, a leading company in the mobile industry, to develop innovative and eco-conscious technology. The incorporation of Akulon® RePurposed into Samsung’s latest flagship device, the Galaxy S22 series smartphone, Galaxy Tab S8 series tablet, and Galaxy Book2 Pro series PC, marks an incredible achievement and a milestone in both companies’ sustainability journeys. Text displayed

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    Envalior and KOKI deliver a highly efficient lightweight automotive shift fork made with ForTii ® ACE

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    Envalior announces that it has partnered with KOKI TECHNIK Transmission Systems GmbH, a leading Transmission Shifting Systems manufacturer, to deliver a shift fork used within an E-Powertrains Decoupling Unit. KOKI chose ForTii® ACE PPA for its shift fork application because the material offers extreme high stiffness up to 160°C, design freedom and maximum wear resistance without the need for additional bushings. Text displayed

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    Envalior Makes its North American Debut at NPE 2024

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    Envalior, a new global engineering materials company, debuted its sustainable and high-performance engineering materials portfolio for the first time at NPE 2024: The Plastics Show, May 6-10, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, USA. Envalior showcased innovative, safer, and lightweight solutions for the automotive, medical, consumer goods, and building and construction industries. Text displayed

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  • Stanyl

    Ensuring automotive electronic systems components surpass performance requirements

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    Vehicle electronic systems are not only controlling the vehicle systems—they are evaluating the methods of driving. Soon these systems will be able to support improvement of an individual’s driving habits. Text displayed

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    Enhancing timing drive system performance and sustainability

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    To enhance materials used for timing drive systems, PTFE is often added as a micro-powder to improve the material’s friction and wear properties. But, there are environmental and safety concerns about PTFE since some manufacturing processes produce PFOA, which is linked to serious health risks. Thus, regulatory bodies in several countries are expected to ban materials containing PFOA by 2022. There is a material solution with proven wear and friction properties that complies with these upcoming regulations. Text displayed

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    Enhancing the performance, comfort and sustainability of advanced wound care films

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    Advanced wound care dressings improve treatment for patients that experience frequent or long-lasting wounds. Film strips inside dressings, which are permeable to moisture vapor and air but keep bacteria and viruses out, accelerate the healing process. Thermoplastic polyurethane is widely used to manufacturer these films. Yet, in addition to its sustainability drawbacks, improving this material’s moisture vapor transmission rate performance is time- and cost-intensive. Text displayed

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    Enhancing the comfort & sustainability of office furniture with proper engineering materials

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    To deliver on significantly improving end-user comfort, furniture manufacturers are leveraging thermoplastic materials that offer superior design flexibility. Plus, furniture brands are under pressure to make their operations more sustainable. Consumers are likely to favor manufacturers that take an active role in protecting the environment by using bio-based and recyclable materials. Text displayed

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    Enhancing medical gown protection, comfort and sustainability with Arnitel® VT

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    Healthcare workers treating infected patients during an outbreak depend on a reliable supply of high-quality PPE to protect their health and safety. Medical gown manufacturers need a material solution that gives healthcare workers both the protection and comfort they require, and DSM’s Arnitel® VT does just that. Text displayed

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    Enhancing USB-C connector performance and reliability with Stanyl®

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    Since USB-C connectors process power levels from 40 to 100 Watts, they’re also more susceptible to electrical tracking, which may lead to premature part failure, or eventually create a fire hazard. As a result, consumer electronics developers need assurance that connectors designed to charge their devices won’t need to be recalled or frequently replaced. Text displayed

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    Empowering athletes with sustainable high-performance footwear

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    Athletic equipment, including shoes, is making a serious impact on the environment. Governments and consumers are particularly concerned with the greenhouse gas emissions and landfill pollution that result from athletic shoe manufacturing. As an athletic footwear producer, you are under pressure to meet the demand for sustainable shoes that don’t compromise on quality and performance. Envalior offers you recyclable, bio-based material solutions for the design of midsoles that help athletes perform at their best. Text displayed

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  • Press Release

    Ee anwendungen skz konferenz

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    Envalior nutzt die Tagung „fuse box meets dryer – Kunststoffe in E&E-Anwendungen“ des Süddeutschen Kunststoffzentrums (SKZ), um seine führende Position als Innovationspartner der internationalen Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie (E&E) herauszustellen. Text displayed

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    EU rules will make connectors more sustainable to reduce electronic waste, and make consumers’ lives easier

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    Soon consumers in the EU will be able to use one common charging port—the USB Type-C connector—for most of their electronics charging needs. Recently, Parliament and Council negotiators agreed that by autumn of 2024, USB Type-C connector will become the common charging port for many electronics. Although USB Type-C connectors rapidly restore electronic battery life, these connectors can create a fire hazard if made of low-performance insulating plastics. Learn about materials solutions that increase safety and enable you to deliver high-performance connectors with stringent design requirements. Text displayed

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    Dutch startup uses materials solution made of ghost fishing nets for eco-friendly watch

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    Raising awareness of this ocean pollution challenge is something two Dutch entrepreneurs, Jorrit Niels and Bernard Werk, set out to do when creating the Gyre SeaCleaner Watch. It was important to them to use a recycled material solution for the watch. Text displayed

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    Driving sustainability goals with high-performance elastic drive belts

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    Automakers need to ensure hybrid and internal combustion engines (ICE) comply with CO2 emission regulations shifting every year. To improve efficiency, more OEMs are switching from polyester stretch belts used in (ICE) to elastic options designed for next-generation front-end accessory drive (FEAD) systems. Elastic stretch belts offer considerable fuel savings and improve vehicle range thanks to their low-friction performance and better power transfer capabilities. Text displayed

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    Driving electric two-wheeler adoption with advanced materials

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    More Indian manufacturers are leveraging non-lithium-ion battery (LiB) technology to meet demand for two-wheelers that offer improved range and faster charging times. Although this strategy drives long-term time and cost-savings, accidental damage to non-LiBs or LiBs, as well as the higher voltage levels needed to accelerate recharging cycles, can pose serious fire and electrical safety risks. Learn which material solutions will ensure two-wheelers are safe and reliable. Text displayed

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    Driving agricultural equipment efficiencies to help meet global food demands

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    To deliver on significantly improving end-user comfort, furniture manufacturers are leveraging thermoplastic materials that offer superior design flexibility. Plus, furniture brands are under pressure to make their operations more sustainable. Consumers are likely to favor manufacturers that take an active role in protecting the environment by using bio-based and recyclable materials. Text displayed

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    Don’t think of Envalior as a materials supplier, we are a success provider

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    From electronics to automotive to consumer goods, you will find advanced materials solutions specifically configured for you, your processes, and your success at Envalior. By helping you optimize material processing for your applications, not only will you have an outstanding product, but you will also know you are making the product in the most efficient way. Text displayed

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    Developing advanced catheters that improve patient outcomes

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    Cardiovascular catheters are needed to perform diagnostic testing and treat complex medical conditions. Common material solutions have reliability issues – prompting more medical equipment suppliers to leverage high-strength, thermoplastic elastomers (TPE). Yet, this material often leads to variations in extrusion behavior and problems during secondary assembly processes. Envalior’s Arnitel® Care is ideal for producing safe and reliable catheters that are optimized for high-stress clinical environments and reduce operating costs for manufacturers. Text displayed

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    Determining CTI to ensure EV safety when using high-CTI HV connectors

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    The growing market penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) is increasing the need for fast and efficient public charging. Research has shown that 80% battery charging at an approximate 15-minute break is convenient to most consumers and provides a similar experience to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. To achieve this and to minimize electrical losses, the industry is moving towards high voltage charging of 400V and 800V for passenger cars Text displayed

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    Delivering sustainable and readily available advanced materials for vehicle air springs

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    There are a variety of factors impacting your company’s success – reliability of the supply chain, sustainability initiatives and being first to market, just to name a few. When it comes to the applications that make up the suspension system of a vehicle, specifically air springs, OEMs must meet or exceed consumer demand for comfort, government regulations to reduce emissions and demand for sustainable manufacturing processes and materials. Envalior can help you achieve all this, plus the added value of materials supply availability. Text displayed

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    Delivering reliable, cost-effective gears for cobots

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    Emerging cobot technology enables organizations to automate dull, dirty, delicate or dangerous tasks. Yet metal cobot parts such as gears are expensive to manufacture and increase the weight of overall cobot designs. Envalior offers a portfolio of engineering plastics proven to replace metal in demanding industrial applications and enables customers to manufacture durable and cost-effective gear drives. Text displayed

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    Delivering plastic gears optimized for e-bike drive units

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    To meet expectations for lighter, more battery-efficient e-bikes, two-wheeler brands look to lightweight drive units by replacing metal gears with advanced materials alternatives. Yet, widely-used plastic materials for gears aren’t reliable in demanding electric gearmotor applications. Learn how and why Envalior’s Stanyl® PA46 enables manufacturers to confidently replace metal gears for high-stress applications. Text displayed

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    Delivering medical devices trusted by patients and healthcare professionals

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    High demand for medical devices and drug delivery equipment is creating opportunities for manufacturers. Yet approximately 30-40% of equipment recalls can be traced back to improper material selection. Protecting your reputation requires working with a material partner prepared to help you accurately assess how final parts perform in clinical settings and overcome supply chain issues. We at Envalior offer a proven material solutions portfolio created to help you develop a broad range of best-in-class medical devices. Text displayed

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    Delivering high-performance small appliance gears with advanced materials

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    Consumer demand for smaller, more powerful household appliances is steadily increasing. To deliver on consumer expectations, including lower costs and improved noise behavior, manufacturers are replacing metals used to produce gears with engineering thermoplastics. Compared to metal, these materials offer shorter, more cost-effective production cycles, as well as better noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) characteristics. Text displayed

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    Delivering high-performance gears for compact electric engine actuators

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    Global automotive engine manufacturers require actuators that are highly durable, and sufficiently compact to fit in vehicles engine bays. For engine actuator suppliers, this means developing parts using material solutions that respond to customers’ design and performance requirements. A key challenge faced when meeting these needs is to find a material suitable for producing small-sized gears that fit into compact actuator designs and operate well in high-temperature under-the-hood conditions. Text displayed

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    Delivering high-performance USB-C connectors in custom colors

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    Consumers expect the ability to purchase electronics accessories such as charging wires in the color of their choice. Yet, material solutions commonly used for manufacturing connectors are available in limited color options. Not only does Envalior offer advanced materials for electronics in a range of Chroma Colors, the material solutions enable manufacturers to produce USB-C connectors that process high voltage levels. Text displayed

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    Decreasing leakage and combustion risk of a USB Type-C interfaces

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    A unified charger interface can help reduce e-waste, simplify wireless charging standards, and bring convenience to consumers. Thus, the European Union and some other government regulatory agencies are increasing the use of USB Type-C. It stands out as a general-purpose interface with many advantages, but you may come across challenges depending on the material you utilize. Thankfully there is one tested material that offers a high interlayer bonding force, which can reduce failure risks. Text displayed

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  • Fuel Systems

    Decreasing costs while reducing the complexity of designing hybrid fuel tanks

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    As the hybrid vehicle market increases, reducing the complexity of the hybrid fuel tank is key to manufacturers. Using advanced polyamides can reduce the complexity of producing these tanks and create cost savings, thus, you can gain a competitive advantage through greater efficiency and potential cost-savings. Text displayed

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    Decrease risk of battery housing fires when using our Tepex® composite, a lightweight sustainable material

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    The materials used to make EV battery housings play a key role in passenger safety. To focus on safety and performance of EVs, engineers need to use a material that enhances the thermal stability of batteries, prevents thermal runaway, and mitigates the risk of fire or explosion. At Envalior, we tested a new composite under our Tepex® brand, which is ideal for components inside an EV battery. Text displayed

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    Decrease EV battery damage risks when using Pocan®AF4130, a flame retardant PBT+ASA grade

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    Engineering thermoplastics like PBT and PBT blends have potential for applications in the EV battery sector. Although PBT has been widely utilized in electrical and electronic automotive components, it may be challenging to find a material specifically for battery components. Certain requirements must be met, and so Envalior and Hella tailormade a material for BMU and CMU housings that is resistance to heat and chemicals. Text displayed

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    Creating environmentally-friendly phone accessories with Arnitel® Eco & EcoPaXX®

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    When PopSockets was looking to make its popular mobile phone accessories more sustainable, it found the solution in Arnitel® Eco and EcoPaXX®! A new line of PopGrip Plant accessories using these materials was recently launched on April 22 – just in time for Earth Day. Text displayed

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    Create lightweight, durable underbody components for EVs with Tepex composite material

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    Lightweighting plays a significant role in creating optimal driving experiences. To compensate for heavy batteries in electric vehicles, engineers need to design lightweight components, including underbody panel components. There are engineering materials much lighter than metal that can be utilize. These materials also ease logistics, and allow fewer secondary operations with lower energy consumption, less waste streams in production and less hazardous production steps. Text displayed

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    Closing the electronics gap with an advanced PBT series offering outstanding tracking resistance

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    In today’s landscape of electrical/electronics (E/E) components, the demand for plastic parts with superior tracking resistance is crucial. Yet, a comprehensive portfolio of glass-fiber-reinforced PBT compounds have not been readily available in the market in the past. Now, Envalior offers a PBT series designed to ensure the reliability, performance, and safety your products require to meet the increasing demands modern electronics place on materials. Text displayed

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    Changing outdoor power equipment market drives material science innovation

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    Global demand for outdoor power equipment for lawn maintenance, gardening and commercial landscaping is on the rise, and consumer demand for more sustainable products is driving the growth of electric alternatives. Text displayed

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    Building sand castles with Akulon® RePurposed

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    DSM is partnering with a growing list of purpose-led companies, working to overcome this challenge. For instance, Pufferfish is partnering with DSM to develop premium tools for building sand castles using Akulon® RePurposed PA6, which is made using recycled fishing nets. Text displayed

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    Building a sustainable future for food contact products

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    Food contact parts manufacturers face pressure to adopt a sustainable and circular economy. Timeline pressures, regulation changes and complex global supply chains can increase cost and risk for companies pursuing these new opportunities in the marketplace. The fastest and simplest way to de-risk your business is to start working with partners who offer safe, sustainable and reliable material solutions. Text displayed

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    Building a more sustainable high-performance tire

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    DSM's Arnitel family of thermoplastic elastomers is helping tire manufacturers "reinvent the wheel" by developing non-pneumatic tires. Text displayed

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  • Insights


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    Our Blogs provide insights on advanced materials and applications expertise on an array of design and production challenges from our Envalior scientists and engineers. Text displayed

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    Balancing performance and fuel economy with robust air intake systems

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    Hybrid cars, which incorporate an internal combustion engine alongside a battery, continue to play an important role in cutting global carbon emissions. OEMs look to optimize the sustainability of hybrid vehicles by fitting them with compact turbocharged engines that are designed to balance performance and fuel economy. To lightweight engines and improve vehicle sustainability, manufacturers have replaced metal and rubber materials for these parts with polyamide 66 (PA66). Yet, this polyamide provides limited thermal resistance and can create supply chain risks. Text displayed

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    Automotive Industries: Legislation will drive technological developments in mobility

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    OEMs and Tiers need a new generation of advanced materials as they focus more on producing electric vehicles. Plus, research shows it is important that technology development is informed by consumer preferences. Automotive Industries (AI) asked Tamim Sidiki, Global Marketing Director Mobility, DSM, to share what trends the company’s research has identified. Text displayed

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    Automakers look to new solutions to meet Bharat Stage VI emission requirements

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    Global automakers and Indian automotive companies have been working on solutions to meet the emission requirements. One of the latest developments is turbo-charged engines, which make it possible to deliver higher engine performance while meeting the new emission standards by integrating the charge air cooler (CAC) into the air intake manifold (AIM). Text displayed

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  • Press Release

    At battery show europe 2023

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    Envalior will have its own booth at Battery Show Europe 2023 in Stuttgart, Europe’s biggest trade show for cutting-edge technologies and production processes for batteries for electric and hybrid vehicles. Text displayed

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    As use of FAKRA connectors increases, so does need to eliminate blistering

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    There is an increasing demand for high performance plastics to make the connectors because there are many applications FAKRA and HSD connectors are used for. Besides supporting entertainment and communications applications, connectors play a role in supporting safety applications. Text displayed

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    As turbocharging market grows, so does demand for new solutions, materials

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    Much of the evolution in the automotive industry is focused on fuel efficiency and reducing under the hood space, therefore there is an increased use of turbocharging systems, plus, vehicles are being designed to maximize passenger space, increase pedestrian impact protection and decrease noise related capsulation. Text displayed

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    As ECUs become smaller, they are more critical for interconnecting autonomous vehicle systems

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    Even though connectors lack the appeal of semiconductor chips, they are essential, a powerful computer would be ineffective if any of these interconnects failed. The design of electronic control units is very compact, and electronics are being squeezed into the smallest packaging space possible. The challenge with connectors lies in their miniaturization—making wall thickness thinner. Text displayed

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  • Renewable Energy

    As China’s photovoltaic industry continues to grow, advanced materials play key role enabling lightweight and more sustainable PV components

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    Throughout the world energy prices have been rising – the rapid economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, extreme weather conditions, increasing population, and tightening supplies of natural gas and oil are all attributing to increased energy costs. In China, under its National Strategy of green and low-carbon transformation, construction of new renewable energy power systems has been proposed, and the development space of China's photovoltaic industry is ripe for innovation. Text displayed

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    Arnitel® VT — A breakthrough technology to meet the highest protection levels

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    Healthcare professionals are occupationally exposed to infectious diseases while working in a variety of different workplace settings. There is a breakthrough technology—Arnitel VT—that offers the highest protection level, along with comfort, in disposable medical gowns and drapes. Text displayed

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    Akulon® PA66 GF60 and PA66 CF60 in JEC Innovation Award winning lightweight FRP center tunnel for Porsche 718 Boxster/Cayman

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    The innovative cost-efficient structural hybrid thermoplastic automotive body component suitable for high volume production, introducible prior to cathodic dip coating with respective joining technology was this year’s winner in the category Automotive. Text displayed

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  • Press Release

    Ahrend partners with Envalior to deliver Remode — the sustainable office chair made with Akulon® RePurposed

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    Envalior announces it has supported the Dutch based manufacturer Ahrend to deliver Remode, a sustainable office chair. The chair’s structural seat components, backrest mechanism and the star base are manufactured from Akulon® RePurposed, a versatile, high-performance polyamide, made from recycled fishing nets. The mechanical recyclate from ghost fishing nets closes Remode’s value chain designed for recycling and reduces CO2 emissions. Text displayed

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    Achieve robust automotive application designs via laser welding of the best materials solution

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    In the automotive industry, laser welding is on the rise due to increased vehicle electrification. A quick and clean technique, laser welding is used on components in EV transmissions, cameras and even climate control. It is imperative the correct material is used when laser welding. Some materials have limitations that could increase faulty parts. Be sure to use the proper material solution that will decrease your risk of defects. Text displayed

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    A two-wheel revolution: How electric scooters will help combat air pollution

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    Improving the range and lifespan of e-scooters takes lightweight, durable, and flame-retardant materials, making DSM’s portfolio of engineering plastics critical to this expanding market. Text displayed

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    A sustainable future: Fact or science fiction?

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    As we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the age of AI and robotics, more science fictions will of course come true. The speed of change will accelerate, fueled by vast leaps forward in both technology and science. Text displayed

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    5 takeaways from NPE 2024

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    Envalior made its NPE 2024 debut in Orlando, Florida, May 6 -10, 2024. We revealed innovative applications at our booth, including a hydrogen fuel tank liner and a lightweight high-voltage battery housing. We also showcased sustainable clothing and athletic shoes, medical supplies, building and construction materials, food packaging solutions, and consumer goods. Text displayed

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    5 Takeaways from Chinaplas 2024

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    Envalior made its Chinaplas 2024 debut in Shanghai, April 22-26. We revealed innovative applications at our booth, including lightweight automotive components, energy storage connectors and inverters, a flying camera made of low density highly bio-based materials, and sustainable sports shoes. Text displayed

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    3 Key Takeaways from Engineering Materials Forum 2024

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    During Envalior’s Engineering Materials Forum, attendees to this online forum were treated to best practices and inspirational discussions about engineering materials and applications. The forum featured 15 expert-led sessions offering a wealth of expertise for engineers and designers. Text displayed

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