
Akulon® Diablo

Akulon Ultraflow is een hardmetaalsoort met een hoog debiet waarvan bewezen is dat het fabrikanten helpt spuitgieten cyclustijden tot 40% te verkorten.

Ontdek Akulon® Diablo

Akulon Diablo is onze zeer hittebestendige polyamide 6/66, ideaal voor metaalvervanging in toepassingen onder de motorkap tot 220°C. We hebben Akulon Diablo gecreëerd als materiaal om klanten te helpen het steeds uitdagender wordende temperatuur assortiment aan te pakken met kleinere, hetere turbomotoren. Als gevolg hiervan levert de nieuwste hardmetaalsoort – Akulon Diablo HDT2500 – een continue gebruikstemperatuur van 3.000 uur tot 220°C met een aanzienlijk verbeterde HDT-waarde.

Akulon Diablo is ideaal voor metaal-naar-plastic vervanging van componenten voor luchtinlaatsystemen, variërend van inlaatluchtkoelereindkappen en luchtinlaatspruitstukken tot luchtinlaatkanalen, turbo-uitlaatresonatoren en motor deksels. Met zijn lagere gewicht vermindert deze materiaal zowel de brandstofverbruik als de daaruit voortvloeiende koolstofemissies - goed voor mens, milieu en winst.

Akulon® Diablo HDT2500

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35% Glass Fiber Reinforced

Akulon® is our family of high performance polyamide 6 and polyamide 66 materials, used by customers across the world in applications ranging from automotive, electronics & electrical, to furniture and packaging.

We offer Akulon® grades for injection molding, blow molding and extrusion (including barrier film, stock shapes, convoluted tubes, and mono and multi filament).

In molded parts the material offers an excellent balance of easy design and processing with outstanding mechanical properties over a wide temperature range and in diverse conditions. Meanwhile for extrusion the strength, resilience and easy processing of Akulon® sets the market standards.

  • 35% Glass Fiber Reinforced
  • Heat Stabilized

Akulon® Diablo HT-HG6

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30% Glass Fiber Reinforced

Akulon® is our family of high performance polyamide 6 and polyamide 66 materials, used by customers across the world in applications ranging from automotive, electronics & electrical, to furniture and packaging.

We offer Akulon® grades for injection molding, blow molding and extrusion (including barrier film, stock shapes, convoluted tubes, and mono and multi filament).

In molded parts the material offers an excellent balance of easy design and processing with outstanding mechanical properties over a wide temperature range and in diverse conditions. Meanwhile for extrusion the strength, resilience and easy processing of Akulon® sets the market standards.

  • 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced
  • Heat Stabilized

Akulon® Diablo HT-HG0

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50% Glass Fiber Reinforced

Akulon® is our family of high performance polyamide 6 and polyamide 66 materials, used by customers across the world in applications ranging from automotive, electronics & electrical, to furniture and packaging.

We offer Akulon® grades for injection molding, blow molding and extrusion (including barrier film, stock shapes, convoluted tubes, and mono and multi filament).

In molded parts the material offers an excellent balance of easy design and processing with outstanding mechanical properties over a wide temperature range and in diverse conditions. Meanwhile for extrusion the strength, resilience and easy processing of Akulon® sets the market standards.

  • 50% Glass Fiber Reinforced
  • Heat Stabilized


Aanbevolen toepassingen

Hot Charged Air Ducts

Automotive | Engine | Air Intake

Heat resistant; Lightweight; Reliable; Cost effective

Integrated Air Inlet Manifolds (up to 230°C)

Automotive | Engine | Air Intake

Long-term heat resistance up to 230 C; Lower system costs compared to metal.

Charge Air Cooler Caps

Automotive | Engine | Cooling / Thermal management

Long term heat resistant; Lightweight; Cost effective; Fatigue resistant

Contact voor meer informatie

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