

In krappe ontwerpruimtes of comfortbedieningssystemen met een hoger koppel kan het gebruik van PA66- of POM-plastic materialen voor tandwielen leiden tot storingen zoals voortijdige tand slijtage, vervorming, creep of breuken. Door gebruik te maken van geavanceerde materiaal oplossingen zoals Stanyl®, verkleinen autofabrikanten de kans op mislukking en creëren ze mogelijkheden voor het verkleinen van de systeemgrootte, gewichtsbesparing en lagere kosten.

Begrijp waarom Stanyl® PA46 wordt vertrouwd in comfortactuatoren

Voor comfort- & gemaksvoertuigsystemen moet het ontwerp van actuatoren hoog koppel en duurzaamheid prestaties, een compact ontwerp, een lichtgewicht en vaak lage geluid werking bieden. Envalior's Stanyl® PA46 is een alifatische polyamide met een hoog sterkte waarop fabrikanten van automotive actuatorcomponenten vertrouwen. De materiaal levert de beste stijfheid in zijn klasse en duurzaamheid prestaties op zowel gematigde als hoge temperatuur niveaus, waardoor leveranciers van tandwielen de uiteindelijke onderdelen kunnen optimaliseren en kunnen voldoen aan de strikte ontwerpspecificaties van klanten.

Daarnaast bieden Stanyl versnellingen:

  • Kleinere tandwielen maken het mogelijk om de systeemgrootte te verkleinen
  • Met dezelfde prestaties als grotere POM- of PA66 versnellingen
  • Gewichtsbesparing
  • Potentieel creëren voor kostenbesparingen

Ontdek Envalior kwaliteiten voor comfortsysteemactuatoren

Stanyl® TW341

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Stanyl® TW341 is a V2 UL-rated, non-reinforced high heat polyamide that offers excellent wear & friction properties in combination with outstanding creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow.

Stanyl® TW341 is a V2 UL-rated, non-reinforced high heat polyamide that offers excellent wear & friction properties in combination with outstanding creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow.

Stanyl® TW341 is a V2 UL-rated, non-reinforced high heat polyamide that offers excellent wear & friction properties in combination with outstanding creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow.

  • Heat Stabilized
  • Lubricated

Stanyl® TW241F10

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50% Glass Fiber Reinforced

Stanyl® TW241F10 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW241F10 has an excellent track-record in gear applications and structural parts

Stanyl® TW241F10 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW241F10 has an excellent track-record in gear applications and structural parts

Stanyl® TW241F10 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow. TW241F10 has an excellent track-record in gear applications and structural parts

  • 50% Glass Fiber Reinforced
  • Heat Stabilized
  • Lubricated

Stanyl® TW200F3

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15% Glass Fiber Reinforced

Stanyl® TW200F3 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures, in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow.

Stanyl® TW200F3 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures, in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow.

Stanyl® TW200F3 is a high heat polyamide that offers excellent creep resistance, strength, stiffness and fatigue resistance especially at high temperatures, in combination with cycle-time advantages and excellent flow.

  • 15% Glass Fiber Reinforced
  • Heat Stabilized

Blader door toepassingen van comfortactuatoren

Mirror actuators


Higher torque and durability performance than PPA and PA66;Allows more compact actuator design and also lower weight;Comparable performance to specialized materials without the need for expensive additives (e.g., carbon fiber or wear & friction optimizers) creates opportunities for cost savings

Seat actuators


Higher torque and durability performance than PPA and PA66;Allows more compact actuator design and also lower weight;Comparable performance to specialized materials without the need for expensive additives (e.g., carbon fiber or wear & friction optimizers) creates opportunities for cost savings

Steering wheel adjusters


Higher torque and durability performance than PPA and PA66;Allows more compact actuator design and also lower weight;Comparable performance to specialized materials without the need for expensive additives (e.g., carbon fiber or wear & friction optimizers) creates opportunities for cost savings

Sunroof actuators


Higher torque and durability performance than PPA and PA66;Allows more compact actuator design and also lower weight;Comparable performance to specialized materials without the need for expensive additives (e.g., carbon fiber or wear & friction optimizers) creates opportunities for cost savings

Trunk actuators


Higher torque and durability performance than PPA and PA66;Allows more compact actuator design and also lower weight;Comparable performance to specialized materials without the need for expensive additives (e.g., carbon fiber or wear & friction optimizers) creates opportunities for cost savings

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