
Materiaal wetenschap voor betrouwbare remleidingslangen

Duurzame remleidingslangen zijn een cruciaal onderdeel van een effectief remmen systeem, waardoor het een zeer belangrijke toepassing is voor de veiligheid van voertuigen. Arnitel® thermoplastisch copolyester (TPC) is een bewezen oplossing die tegenwoordig in miljoenen voertuigen op de weg wordt gebruikt.

Arnitel is 75% lichter en tot 50% goedkoper dan vergelijkbare rubberen slangen. Omdat het weekmakervrij is, is het ook een duurzamere materiaal oplossing dan materialen zoals PA12. Contact om de wereldwijde expertise van Envalior op het gebied van applicatieontwikkeling voor remslangen te lees meer en te benutten.

Ontdek materiaal oplossingen

Arnitel® EM630-H

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Arnitel® is a high-performance ThermoPlastic Copolyester (TPC) that offers you a unique combination of flexibility, high temperature resistance and strength - plus excellent processing characteristics.

In industries ranging from automotive to E&E, Arnitel® is increasingly being as a lighter, smarter, greener alternative to conventional rubbers – reducing environmental impact and ultimately, system costs.

The product is supported by an experienced and knowledgeable global team continuously working on new ideas and applications, as well as exploring new markets. By listening to your needs and understanding your process and products, we develop solutions that make a real difference.

  • Extrusion Grade
  • Heat Stabilized

Arnitel® EM631-HB

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Arnitel® is a high-performance ThermoPlastic Copolyester (TPC) that offers you a unique combination of flexibility, high temperature resistance and strength - plus excellent processing characteristics.

In industries ranging from automotive to E&E, Arnitel® is increasingly being as a lighter, smarter, greener alternative to conventional rubbers – reducing environmental impact and ultimately, system costs.

The product is supported by an experienced and knowledgeable global team continuously working on new ideas and applications, as well as exploring new markets. By listening to your needs and understanding your process and products, we develop solutions that make a real difference.

  • Extrusion Grade
  • Heat Stabilized

Arnitel® CM622

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Arnitel® is a high-performance ThermoPlastic Copolyester (TPC) that offers you a unique combination of flexibility, high temperature resistance and strength - plus excellent processing characteristics.

In industries ranging from automotive to E&E, Arnitel® is increasingly being as a lighter, smarter, greener alternative to conventional rubbers – reducing environmental impact and ultimately, system costs.

The product is supported by an experienced and knowledgeable global team continuously working on new ideas and applications, as well as exploring new markets. By listening to your needs and understanding your process and products, we develop solutions that make a real difference.

  • 60 Shore D
  • Extrusion

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