Cardiovasculaire katheters zijn nodig om diagnostische tests uit te voeren en complexe medisch aandoeningen te behandelen. Common materiaal oplossingen hebben betrouwbaarheidsproblemen, waardoor steeds meer medisch leveranciers van apparatuur gebruik maken van sterkte thermoplast elastomeren (TPE) met een hoog . Toch leidt dit materiaal vaak tot variaties in extrusiegedrag en problemen tijdens secundaire assemblageprocessen. Envalior's Arnitel® Care is ideaal voor het produceren van veilige en betrouwbare katheters die zijn geoptimaliseerd voor klinische omgevingen met een hoog spanning en de bedrijfskosten voor fabrikanten verlagen.
Arnitel® is a family of high-performance copolyester-based thermoplastic elastomers (TPC) offering a unique combination of flexibility, chemical resistance and high-temperature performance.
Its unique chemistry consists of hard and soft segments which offer a great degree of design flexibility. This includes proven performance in breathable monolithic films, kink-resistant tubing, soft touch applications, and a variety of other innovative solutions for the medical industry.
Because of Envalior’s global commitment to manufacturing quality, medical industry leaders trust Arnitel® when material quality and purity is essential for demanding high-precision components.
Arnitel® is a family of high-performance copolyester-based thermoplastic elastomers (TPC) offering a unique combination of flexibility, chemical resistance and high-temperature performance.
Its unique chemistry consists of hard and soft segments which offer a great degree of design flexibility. This includes proven performance in breathable monolithic films, kink-resistant tubing, soft touch applications, and a variety of other innovative solutions for the medical industry.
Because of Envalior’s global commitment to manufacturing quality, medical industry leaders trust Arnitel® when material quality and purity is essential for demanding high-precision components.
Arnitel® is a family of high-performance copolyester-based thermoplastic elastomers (TPC) offering a unique combination of flexibility, chemical resistance and high-temperature performance.
Its unique chemistry consists of hard and soft segments which offer a great degree of design flexibility. This includes proven performance in breathable monolithic films, kink-resistant tubing, soft touch applications, and a variety of other innovative solutions for the medical industry.
Because of Envalior’s global commitment to manufacturing quality, medical industry leaders trust Arnitel® when material quality and purity is essential for demanding high-precision components.
Hoogste zuiverheid in vergelijking met concurrentie om extraheerbare stoffen, uitloogbare stoffen en vluchtige organische stoffen te beperken
Voldoet aan of overtreft de FDA-normen voor voedselcontact, USP klasse VI, ISO 10993-5 en ISO-10993-10
Innovatieve materialen om de prestaties van medisch apparaten te verbeteren
Apparaten met een lager profiel
Lichtgewicht apparaten voor thuiszorg en chirurgische robots
Ontwikkel comfortabelere en lichtere draagbare apparaten